Jesus, that's why I can't go near pet stores.
I will likely not dress up, and just wear a t-shirt with a pumpkin on it. Possibly with little devil horns.
Oh lord. This has nothing to do with Halloween, but still reminded me. Minion told me about a guy who works with his mom (who works with disabled people) who has a favorite t-shirt to wear to work. Totally plain, except across the ass where it says -
If you can read this, I've fallen out of my wheelchair.
Do you think this [link] is the shirtwaist dress I've been looking for? (Not very hard, I admit.)
jesse, I've had fabulous luck with clothing from the J.Peterman catalog in the past. I say e-mail them and ask about their return policy, and then order the dress.
Do they have it in white? (Too lazy to go and look).
Actually, I need to not buy anything for a while.
The littlest instructor at krav just turned 17. She was roundly feted, and hugged by sweaty people.
She wants to go as Britney Spears for Halloween, and me to go as Xtina.
It seems to be all about the blonde wigs, one way or another.
The new, apparently has bought a mirror and can now dress herself Xtina, or the old, backwards cleavage Xtina.
And which Britney?
Old School both, I think. She's going as schoolgirl Britney (the basic plan is to have her dressed like a sexy underage schoolgirl...because she is one), and I guess I have to be contemporary Xtina. But Aunty Entity!
I'm sure Old School Xtina wore something like Aunty Entity's get up. You could be both.
It's slow here, and I think one of the partners just saw me grooming the pony that sits on top of my monitor.
Is your pony little?
No, you should see the size of her monitor!
(Am I seriously the only one who went there?)
ita should totally be Aunty Entity!
I think I'll be a lighting designer for Halloween.
Master Blaster rules Bartertown.
Er, what? Huh?
On Gay Pride day, I said I would be a martini. Silver dress with a hole for one boob that would be painted green with a red nipple.
Now that I'm less drunk, I'm thinking...not.