With the time change (or lack thereof), I feel ike I"M now on the late night shift instead of the morning shift.
Itwas directed at you Stephanie - not in snide tone, just as the first question to ask when you get in that situation.
beth, I worded that poorly and I didn't think you sounded snide. I was wondering only if the question was rhetorical.
The discussion last night made me realisze that in this particular case, it was more about Ellie's day and not notes. Hopefully I'll be a cheerful giver this Christmas and not be petty/stewing about it. Now, breakfast!
Timelies, all!
Here's a picture of my new tattoo: [link]
It's fairly work-safe. You can't really tell where it it, just that there's some skin with some ink on it. (It's located at the top of my right leg, on the outside, so it's not even that pornily placed, although you wouldn't have known that while we were trying to get a picture of it that didn't look like I was trying to show off my undies.)
Re: thank you notes. If we give and open gifts in person in my immediate family, we say our thank yous in person. Mailed stuff gets mailed thank yous. Emailed stuff (amazon.com gift certificates, etc.) get emailed thank yous. Outside of the immediate family I try to default to the Miss Manners end of the spectrum and send written thank you notes. I don't always succeed.
Calli, that' s a cool tattoo! How long did it take?
Yes, the tattoo is neato! I like the other pictures in that grouping as well. Pretty! Plus fun captions!
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Calli, your tattoo is lovely! And exquisitely detailed. Very nice.
I just made biscuits for the first time in a depressingly long time, and just as when I had that first sip of sweet tea after a month of going without, it was HEAVEN. HEH-VEN. Even though it had been a long time (and frankly, they looked kind of mutant) they tasted amazing. And the best part is that I have a whole plateful just sitting there and a day off to eat 'em in.
So much for the lost pant size! *g* Thank dawg for bank holidays.
Tell me you love me... ok, pictures here of Hugh Laurie on SNL, with legs, and boobs. [link]
(there must be video somewhere, but stills will have to do) Enjoy!
Tell me you love me...
I love you Laura! Though, the Hugh Laurie photos are but the tiniest bit in that equation.
Excellent tat, Calli!
Excellent Hugh Laurie, Laura. Seriously, I don't know what's better, the hair or the legs.
I love Laura too. But for many reasons that only have a little to do with HL. I'm still trying to decide if I actually want to make myself watch SNL, Hugh or no.