Calli, your tattoo is lovely! And exquisitely detailed. Very nice.
I just made biscuits for the first time in a depressingly long time, and just as when I had that first sip of sweet tea after a month of going without, it was HEAVEN. HEH-VEN. Even though it had been a long time (and frankly, they looked kind of mutant) they tasted amazing. And the best part is that I have a whole plateful just sitting there and a day off to eat 'em in.
So much for the lost pant size! *g* Thank dawg for bank holidays.
Tell me you love me... ok, pictures here of Hugh Laurie on SNL, with legs, and boobs. [link]
(there must be video somewhere, but stills will have to do) Enjoy!
Tell me you love me...
I love you Laura! Though, the Hugh Laurie photos are but the tiniest bit in that equation.
Excellent tat, Calli!
Excellent Hugh Laurie, Laura. Seriously, I don't know what's better, the hair or the legs.
I love Laura too. But for many reasons that only have a little to do with HL. I'm still trying to decide if I actually want to make myself watch SNL, Hugh or no.
still trying to decide if I actually want to make myself watch SNL, Hugh or no
HL, yes; SNL, no.
Great tat, Calli!
Re: ettiquette. I was taught to write notes. I don't. I suck. The end.
Caveat: I do send e-mail thank yous. Otherwise, you're out of luck.
Laura = love, with or without Hugh.
Calli and Calli tattoo also equal love.
I suck at thank you notes. I want to be good about them, but in practice, not so much. As far as receiving them - my main concern is just that a sent gift reached the giftee. A gift handed off in person - the in person thanks are enough.
Calli, your tattoo is gorgeous!
still trying to decide if I actually want to make myself watch SNL, Hugh or no
It was basically awful except the HL bits. (hee, bits)
Thanks for all the love!
It was light when I got up this morning!! Don't know how long that will last. We just dropped under 12 hours visible light today. Sunrise at 6:28am, not that I could stay in bed until that hour.
If my son didn't want to play HS sports I would homeschool just to stay in bed till a decent hour.