Those are both very impressive things, Windsparrow. Go, Daniel!
My dishwasher has given in to me repeatedly pressing every button, and is now working again. I am packed. I think. Assuming I didn't forget everything important. The chili is in the fridge. I am going to take a page from the oh so wise vw and radically accept that the Halloween oreos are not happening this year. I still have school work to do.
t peeks inside bitches
My ears were burning. Oh. Right. The dryer.
Managed to not hurt myself. The only dolly/hand truck around has a board mounted to it right now, and a small 1940's gas outboard motor thereupon.
So, I used my legs a lot.
Getting the new one down carpeted stairs was easier than getting the old one up from the basement.
Andi kindly made some potassium supplement capsules for me to take afterwards, huzzah for no morning leg cramps...yet.
My ears were burning. Oh. Right. The dryer.
Oh, don't look all innocent. You asked me if I had bragged on your manliness in being the dryer-winner for the household.
Andi kindly made some potassium supplement capsules for me to take afterwards, huzzah for no morning leg cramps...yet.
There is a reason I made more than just enough for yesterday.
I have a holloween party tonight . I am wearing all blue - including an ungly blue wig. and wings. guess what I am...
people are doing things
but my costume is a wonderful horrible pun
I'm watching an old ep of SVU, and one of the attorneys is headed out to a company softball game. She's wearing a baseball shirt with "Sex Crimes" in old-timey baseball lettering on the front. That's just ... wrong.