My ears were burning. Oh. Right. The dryer.
Oh, don't look all innocent. You asked me if I had bragged on your manliness in being the dryer-winner for the household.
Andi kindly made some potassium supplement capsules for me to take afterwards, huzzah for no morning leg cramps...yet.
There is a reason I made more than just enough for yesterday.
I have a holloween party tonight . I am wearing all blue - including an ungly blue wig. and wings. guess what I am...
people are doing things
but my costume is a wonderful horrible pun
I'm watching an old ep of SVU, and one of the attorneys is headed out to a company softball game. She's wearing a baseball shirt with "Sex Crimes" in old-timey baseball lettering on the front. That's just ... wrong.
here it is
but only look if you can't figure it out