Are you going up early? The weather is going to be extra nasty.
10:30-ish. I'm going to be hanging with my brother and his wife (I dug up an old MST3K with a movie that had Ian McShane in it and with them being DEADWOOD fans, I thought it would be a kick), then heading back Sunday noon-ish.
Cindy, I thought for sure you would be going tonight, since I can't make it. It's crazy that we haven't met yet.
Tep, that's not only hugely, weirdly romantic, it's exactly and quintessentially you.
Yes, this. YAY! Tep-schmoop is a thing of violent beauty.
"He's making violent love to me, Mother!"
Yay Tep!!
I am TOTALLY giddy and happy and joyful. I could say it's because of Tep and the Boy (which a little bit of it is, actually) but it's really because I FOUND MY WALLET!! It was in the back seat of my friend Sabrina's big ass truck. (We went to Hooter's yesterday for lunch. Yes, Hooter's.) Thank you ALL for the ~ma! That shit is magic.
(I'm only a teensy bit ticked at Sabrina. I mean, she knew I was freaking out yesterday about my wallet and she couldn't just, I don't know, glance in her back seat? Am I the only person alive that would check the car if a friend was riding with me and then suddenly missing a wallet?)
Anywho - Giddy. Happy. Joyous.
I'm telling you, Cindy Does. Not. EXIST.
Nilly has met me, so have Allyson and Deb (both of whom have also talked to me on the phone, as caller and callee). The rest of the Buffistas might blow hot air up your skirts, but those are three unimpeachable witnesses.
The rest of the Buffistas might blow hot air up your skirts, but those are three unimpeachable witnesses.
I thought going up your skirt is what got you impeached in this country.
Am I the only person alive that would check the car if a friend was riding with me and then suddenly missing a wallet?
No. I'd be a little ticked, too. Although, since I don't know Sabrina, I have no way of knowing her level of commonse sense. Heaven knows, I sometimes space over the stupidest stuff.