Am I the only person alive that would check the car if a friend was riding with me and then suddenly missing a wallet?
No. I'd be a little ticked, too. Although, since I don't know Sabrina, I have no way of knowing her level of commonse sense. Heaven knows, I sometimes space over the stupidest stuff.
Only a teensy bit ticked, though. Mostly just giddy.
If Nilly says Cindy exists... well, it's hard to argue with that.
Someone make me turn off Bill O'Reilly on the Oprah show before I hurt my television.
Someone make me turn off Bill O'Reilly on the Oprah show before I hurt my television.
sj, seriously, turn the channel.
Unless Oprah hits him, or something.
For the love of all sanity, change the channel!
sj, shooting your TV is so Elvis. Turn the channel now, before you start wearing white sequined jumpsuits!
The tv is off, but while I am on things that aggravate me I think I forgot to relate this story from the other day: I was out shopping when I saw this cute kid (maybe two) reaching out of the shopping cart toward the book aisle " Her reply was, "Oh, he loves books, but I don't buy them for him because he gets enough of that stuff in daycare." WTF?
Gotta nip that book love in the bud. I mean, a little is OK, but too much books and the kid won't be athletic, and maybe even gay.
My office has chips and dip and cheese and crackers and soda and candy corn in the conference room right by my desk.
Yay for treats, but boo for temptations and boo for loud co-workers visiting as they give into temptation.
YAY for Nicole wallet findage.