Antibiotic cream. I limped into the pharmacy with my numb toe and dropped it off -- Stephen's going to pick it up. And I have to go back in two weeks to have him check how it healed.
The numbness is wearing off, but where he gave me the shots is beginning to get sore. Bleh.
Sara was so good, though -- she came with, and totally turned on the charm. And he's excellent with kids -- he kept telling her hold my hand, and asking her about her Polly Pocket and the Goldfish she was munching on. And when he told her she'd better drive him, she laughed and laughed -- "You so funny, Doc!" She actually called him Doc, which cracked me up.
Drape baby with head at your elbow and bum at your hand...then tuck that bum right under the faucet flow.
This was the technique my midwife taught me, but even as a newborn the only sink Mal could fit into was the kitchen sink.
The only image I have in my head is that baby poop is often the consistency of peanut butter. The wipes are pretty much necessary to get rid of the stuff clinging to the behind. The thought getting that in any sink in my house makes me ill, considering I prepare food near one sink and brush my teeth near the other one. Clothes that are victim of diaper failure are rinsed in the laundry sink or the bathtub. Also, once a baby is over 10-12lbs and squirmy, it seems impossible--unless you've got Popeye forearms.
Amy, glad you got it out. Hope the toe is on the mend.
You're supposed to
Babies, it seems. I have no clue.
Yay for glassless toe, AmyLiz!
Um, there was more. I forgot.
Mooooooom! Aimee made me nearly choke to death!
The only image I have in my head is that baby poop is often the consistency of peanut butter. The wipes are pretty much necessary to get rid of the stuff clinging to the behind. The thought getting that in any sink in my house makes me ill, considering I prepare food near one sink and brush my teeth near the other one.
Thank you, Jesus, that I never had kids.
Ouch! Shots in toe bad. But yay for no more glass in toe. (I keep typing tow!)
I have such a bad memory that I barely remember changing the boys. I do remember Bobby destroying the pants of a customer that was bouncing him on his knee. That was fun. I did get looks at times from people, both for the diapers and the nursing, because they were so big for their ages. Oh well.
I have nothing to add to the diaper conversation, except that one of my nephews was so lean, my sister and I used to admire the way you could get him clean with one good, quick wipe -- there were none of the usual folds of baby fat needing attention.
One of the emeritus professors just came down to the Reference Desk in search of a book cart from which the top shelf could be removed. Why? Because he's needs to mount a talking deer's head to it for a party over at the Faculty Club, of course.