I have nothing to add to the diaper conversation, except that one of my nephews was so lean, my sister and I used to admire the way you could get him clean with one good, quick wipe -- there were none of the usual folds of baby fat needing attention.
One of the emeritus professors just came down to the Reference Desk in search of a book cart from which the top shelf could be removed. Why? Because he's needs to mount a talking deer's head to it for a party over at the Faculty Club, of course.
Sparky, refer him to [link] and have him look up the strips on Pimp My Bookcart.
Well, what party isn't made more fun by a talking deer's head? I mean, really.
Wow, is it deer-head season already?
Comes earlier every year.
I really want a talking-deer's head to mount on the Reference Desk now. It could say all the things I'd like to, but am not allowed.
I don't think deer heads are allowed to be that evil.
Okay, what animal head would be evil enough? (Besides my boss' from my previous job.)
I once gave my sister an inflatable moose head for her apartment.