Yay for Erin’s library. It is wonderful to hear so many people came through for you. I didn’t contribute only because we have really needy schools close to home. My boys’ beloved books went to them. Right in Palm Beach County we have schools out west in everglades type areas that have migrant children. Their schools are horrible when compared to my area. Stunning how the Boca Raton schools gets so much money and in the same county other schools are totally neglected. You don’t want to get me started on the financial incentives for schools that do well on the FCAT scores. Heaven forbid we send money to schools where the kids can’t read the tests
Oh, hell, yeah.
Um, lost my train of thought. Students conference. All I can think now, is even though my Spanish really sucks, I could be dropped in Mexico and make my way around and be understood.
Hec-liments always cheer me up even when they aren't for me.
So true. It really is a special talent.
Hec-liments always cheer me up even when they aren't for me. YAY! Love this one.
I was just thinking that! He's got a talent.
There's actually another box of books going to Erin's library, if someone ever gets around to sealing it up and putting it in the mail. Right now, it's a decorative accessory on the dining room table.
Hubby thinks short hair on a woman makes her look older. I keep pointing out cute girls on TV with short hair and asking if they look old. He doesn't appreciate it.
I think the looking older thing is only true up to a certain point. It depends on the woman, but after a certain age, *some* women with really long hair would actually look younger with shorter hair. I've seen it a thousand times on make-overs on tv. They usually ALWAYS shorten an older woman's hair and the result is that she looks younger somehow.
Oddly though, my eldest sister has very long hair but with her texture, if she cuts it short, she looks older. But my second eldest sister, who also has extremely long, straight hair, has a finer texture and I think she'd look younger if she would ever cut it. Not that she ever will because her husband is of the "women should always have long hair" type.
I look better with short hair. Period. DH says this last cut I got is the best one I've had in five years (since we went to Europe and I got the extra-sassy cut). My poor twin sister has the misfortune of looking just AWFUL with short hair. I don't know what it is about her but she's tried every short cut possible with sincere effort because she would like less daily maintenance. But the results have always been disasterous.
Hmmm. This is reminding me that I need to go to Zip Zap and get my haircut. It's looking a wee bit shaggy. However, I can't let her razor it as much as she did last time - it went too wispy after the first week or so. Me no likey wispy.
I think it depends on the cut. The generic Mom haircut can make anyone look older, but a short cut with style and individuality can be very flattering.
I never can tell how I look best. I loved the haircut I got a year ago, but I want to grow it out again. But then I look at pictures of me with long hair and I think it makes me face look longer and not in a good way. Blah, I don't know.
Mine's probably a Generic Mom because I just told them "Short." But it's fairly curly and I'm not the sort to bother with gels and all that every day. I try to fluff it out every day so that it least looks a little spiky and not just a boring, tidy little cap of curls.
For what it's worth, every woman who's commented has given an enthusiastic "It's so cute!" I'm not sure if that's authentic approval or a tribal "We acknowledge the change and aren't so gauche as to say it sucks." Hubby had to ask if he was allowed to comment on changes to women he didn't know well, and I said that if he notices the change he should say something, and if he doesn't like it he should just say, "Oh, you cut your hair!" and leave it at that.