That's disturbing. You're emotionally scarred and will end up badly.

Anya ,'Bring On The Night'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Glamcookie - Aug 29, 2006 7:35:55 am PDT #735 of 10000
I know my own heart and understand my fellow man. But I am made unlike anyone I have ever met. I dare to say I am like no one in the whole world. - Anne Lister

Yay Calli! Happies to meara and Jen!

Poor Emmett. I remember those days well...

Katerina Bee - Aug 29, 2006 7:37:08 am PDT #736 of 10000
Herding cats for fun

(wanders into thread, blinking in a bleary but friendly sort of way)

Tired now. Dad's 70th Birthday Party = good time had by all. The laundry is all done and my houseguests are all driving east thru Nevada even as I type. I can hardly believe I stood up in front of the guests and sang a song accompanied by a toy piano (the song was in the key of H, but sounded like L. Ba-dum-dum!)

One of many amusing moments: watching my cat Mishka following cousin John's terrier Scruffy around the house. Poor Scruffy was a little scared of him. Mishka may be the bravest cat in the world: he fears neither twins nor terriers, just the vacuum cleaner.

Also I learned how to spit fire using Everclear and a flaming torch made of rolled-up newspaper, and that Diet Coke works better for the Mentos Fountain.

Polter-Cow - Aug 29, 2006 7:44:24 am PDT #737 of 10000
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Beth, that's awful. I'm so sorry for Matt and his friend's family.

Daisy Jane, I'm not sure they would all fit in my apartment. Plus, the neighbors might complain.

Frankenbuddha - Aug 29, 2006 7:48:05 am PDT #738 of 10000
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Oh, since I've been catching up:

{{{beth & matt}}}, plus -ma of any kind anyone needs.

Birthday happies to meara and JenK.

Now back to work.

Volans - Aug 29, 2006 8:13:51 am PDT #739 of 10000
move out and draw fire

I learned how to spit fire using Everclear and a flaming torch made of rolled-up newspaper, and that Diet Coke works better for the Mentos Fountain

Now that's the kind of 70th birthday party I want to have!

Katerina Bee - Aug 29, 2006 8:22:34 am PDT #740 of 10000
Herding cats for fun

Sounds good Raq. We have what, 40 years or so to plan it?

WindSparrow - Aug 29, 2006 9:02:01 am PDT #741 of 10000
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Happy Meara and Jen Day!

erikaj - Aug 29, 2006 9:21:27 am PDT #742 of 10000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Wow, Meara and Jen share a birthday...happy birthday both of you. Very relieved to still have the stopped working for a few minutes earlier and I'm still feeling delicate about it.

Atropa - Aug 29, 2006 9:24:15 am PDT #743 of 10000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

The high-flying ingredients in our kit include Scharffen Berger 41% milk chocolate bats; premium bat-shaped graham crackers made with whole-grain graham flour, molasses and organic honey; and plump handmade marshmallows. It all comes packaged in a box tied with orange and black paper ribbons

eeeeeeeeee! Oh oh oh, I need that. You have NO IDEA how much I need that. I have no idea why Williams-Sonoma decided to market items directly to me, but I'm not complaining.

Laura - Aug 29, 2006 10:11:08 am PDT #744 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Woo Hoo! The local ABC station is showing General Hospital. In between weather updates. Also, the roofers just finished my repair. The supervisor guy has to be 80ish. I don't think I had seen him in about 20 years, since when late DH was still alive. He was an old man then. He took both my hands and told me it was good to see me again. So sweet. It was good to see him too.

I've been waiting a year for the repair. It took the guys about 20 minutes. Bad thing about being family is being far down the list. Good thing about being family is that it does get done in time.