Woo Hoo! The local ABC station is showing General Hospital. In between weather updates. Also, the roofers just finished my repair. The supervisor guy has to be 80ish. I don't think I had seen him in about 20 years, since when late DH was still alive. He was an old man then. He took both my hands and told me it was good to see me again. So sweet. It was good to see him too.
I've been waiting a year for the repair. It took the guys about 20 minutes. Bad thing about being family is being far down the list. Good thing about being family is that it does get done in time.
OMG, I am so full of hating everything and everyone and myself right now. GAH!
Okay, cut opinions: [link]
Less angled-bobbish than I thought you were looking for, but...
Yikes, Nora!
Um...Beer Works has their Oktoberfest on right now?
Yep, that's about the best I've got to offer at the moment.
Oh, and Labor Day! You get Labor Day off, right?
It might not rain tomorrow?
Yeah, in my quest for angled bobs, I found some alternatives.
This: [link] which is Scullyriffic. This: [link] also cute. And the one I linked to before, which is hummina.
Ooh, I like. I may have to steal it for myself, actually.
I lvoe the first one, Plei.
{{{Nora}}} I tried to go hunting for that great pic of you & me & Sparky at Prom, but then I got distracted. But I figured the Pure Pretty would be a nice thing.
I like the first one best. Where were you thinking of going to get the cut? To Anna, I hope?
Okay, cut opinions: [link]
I'm laughing too hard at your tagline to assess a haircut.