It's going to be dyed pink. And I will be Pink Freud.
Tom is home nursing a proto cold because we have a wedding this weekend and he CANNOT BE SICK. And neither can I. It's the wedding of one of my oldest and bestest friends. It's relatively near by (in CT), and should be a lot of fun.
Have fun! And much preventive-ma for Tom.
Oh, I am so hearting Pink Freud. I think I need a Pink Freud, actually. The world would be a better place had there been a Pink Freud.
Aimee! So glad you enjoyed it, even if it wasn't top-notch. I'll be very interested to hear your comparison of the very-60s-musical movie and the show.
OH! Poems!
t imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Happy Birthday, Cashmere.
Your presents--may you like.
May they be refined and tasteful.
In the manner of dear Spike.
Happiest birthday, Cash! Please take lots of pictures of yourself as that would be a present to me.
Raq = Always up for the cool fun.
I'm making my wife coffee. The limpet is attached and getting milk mouth.
Aimee, you'll definitely like the movie version of Sweet Charity. The scenes at Club Pompei are the best.
Happy Birthday, Cashmere!
Also, happy wedding day, Jars!
I get an unexpected 1/2 day today and am going to see Emmylou Harris tonight with my folks (up in Lancaster which is like 90 minutes away, bah, but still...Emmylou Rocks!!!)
Happy Birthday, Cashmere!!
Happy Getting Married Day to Jars and (soon to be) DH!!
Would this be a good dress on me? [link]
My housemate's got a UT infection, apparently. What, other than cranberry juice, can she try?
Pink Freud is cracking me up.
I got nothign else. Other than "I've been at this job almost 3 years and I"ve finally cracked and started reading/posting from work". Bad me. Bad.