Other than "I've been at this job almost 3 years and I"ve finally cracked and started reading/posting b.org from work". Bad me. Bad.
I sent you a meme to do!
My housemate's got a UT infection, apparently. What, other than cranberry juice, can she try?
I don't know -- I can't believe I've never had a UTI. Now that I've said that, of course, I'll probably get one tomorrow.
Happy Getting Married Day, Jars!
Oh! I changed my mind. What about this one? [link]
And I have no good UTI advice. I get myself to the doctor and get 'biotics.
"I've been at this job almost 3 years and I"ve finally cracked and started reading/posting b.org from work".
one of us, one of us!
Happy Marriage, Jars!
My DH was supposed to go backpacking this weekend with the guys. I was looking forward to having the couch, the TV, and the knitting needles to myself, but now it appears some of the guys are on the fence because they think it will be too cold in Yosemite. Wuss-ass boys!
Happy Birthday Cash!
Stupid work has been busy lately. Right now I'm waiting for a page to load for the online program we use. End of the fiscal year and everybody's on it.
vw, I like both dresses for you, but I like the first one best.
Sparky, tell them if they take enough beer, they won't notice the weather one bit.
Happy Marriage Day, Jars!
Still not loaded.
I want cheese on a stick.
Happy Marrying Day, Jars! (That's what the little girl I used to babysit for calls it)
Happy Birthday, Cashmere!
Happy Marriage Day, Jars!
We didn't quite get around to watching last night's ep of Grey's (we had some very interesting conversations, though) so we're getting ready to do that now. With nummy coffee.
Cass is a wonderful hostess and Portland is gorgeous. Which, really, no big surprise.
vw, I like the second dress. The sleeves on the first one seem weirdly long.
The sleeves on the first one seem weirdly long.
Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of. And I have really short arms.
Pink Freud is cracking me up.
Indeed. So would you go with a cigar...or something else?