I was flipping through Page Six Magazine at the salon yesterday (I have a *very* cute new haircut -- my brilliant stylist somehow managed to give me a pixie cut that actually works!!), and they had a spread of different "looks" and how to achieve them.
Their "goth tips" look involved baby pink lip gloss and electric blue eyeliner. On someone with chestnut-brown hair and warm peachy skin. I had to read it three or four times because I was sure I had to be looking at the wrong picture.
{{Emily}} Soon, we shall be in Vegas. Whee!
Their "goth tips" look involved baby pink lip gloss and electric blue eyeliner. On someone with chestnut-brown hair and warm peachy skin
blink. blink.
Cannot believe anyone would just park in someone else's driveway. Our across the street neighbor has moved in with his girlfriend in a different hood, and it never occured to us to park in his driveway until we saw him out and he told us to. Rude!
Ticky box is beautiful, Plei.
I'm feeling gushy right now, and trying not to splode all over the thread.
Steph, if you get a chance could you email me? It may seem an odd request, but I have some questions, and I think you're the best person to ask.
ETA: Why does my southern accent not work with the flirty?
I have no idea how to teach them anything at all at this rate.
Teach them to fear you!
I recommend pinching them sharply on the underside of the arm. Very tender in there. Give it a little twist.
My dad used to do that to me. Never was spanked, but the soft side of my upper arm would be red.
Teacup Guy has his first meeting for his new job tonight. It started at 8 and it is going to take him at least an hour to get home. I have no idea when to expect him and I really don't want to go to bed without knowing he has arrived home safely.
Depending on the job, shouldn't be much past 10 right? Maybe I have a hang up with work stuff happening after 8.
Huh. I didn't know you could have vampires in Sims. That looks fun. "Bleh!"
Steph, if you get a chance could you email me? It may seem an odd request, but I have some questions, and I think you're the best person to ask.
Me Steph? Or one of the other Stephs?
So it looks like we'll be getting married on Friday the 13th. How utterly brilliant is that? VERY.