I'm just at a point where I feel like it's all just Too Much and it manifests itself as general mental/social paralysis with all attendant failings in normal social niceties and behavior.
But -- I saw you 2 weeks ago, and you showed no failings in social niceties and behavior! None.
Those exist? I never have mornings when I don't feel feral.
makes note
Now, THIS needs to be taped for YouTube.
Don't worry Aimee, after the Friday night rampage, neither of you will actually be awake in the morning anyway.
I might be! You don't know!
I might even get up, make coffee and make breakfast, so there!
Those exist? I never have mornings when I don't feel feral.
Well, actually, yes. More often then they used to. Unfortunately for me, I'm both a morning person and a night owl, or have been at various times (sometimes at the same time). My work schedule has pretty much caged up the owl these days.
I might even get up, make coffee and make breakfast, so there!
Heh. Hee. Hehehehehheeeeeee! BWAH!
The optimism is touching.
Weekends are not for making coffee. Weekends are for fighting my eeeeeeeeevil shower, getting dressed, and staggering down the hill to Cafe Roma and their blessed coffee, pastries, and fresh OJ. Or for getting coffee at Roma and then eating brunch and drinking mimosas at the Washbag.
Plus, I'm non-feral if I wake up after 10, but I don't so much consider that morning - more the proper time to begin the day.
Yeah. That all sounds SO much better, I must say.
Why is the shower evil??
Why is the shower evil??
It has a Van Dyke, of course.
When did Dick Van Dyke become evil?
And why didn't I get the memo?