That is very hard. and it is very generous of you to do such a thing.
It seemed like such a better idea in theory, months ago, than in reality, now. However, it may still be an OK thing once I/we adjust to the Holy Crap! There's Someone In Our Space That Isn't Us! Factor.
I sighed, though, because it looks like her first priority is to get a car, and I was hoping the first priority would be getting a place of her own.
Oooh! I know this one!
TomW frets that his social phobias have rubbed off on me, but really, I have similar anxieties that I never realized exisited due to the Magic of Alcohol WRT social scenarios. Now that that's much less prevelant, the anxieties have center stage.
Glad I got the neighborhood party out of the way last weekend.
From one who has been in your friend's position, blessings on your head.
Both Tom and I have also been there, which is one of the reasons we wanted to do this. It's just the anxiety about sharing space that's got me freaking. I think once the dust settles it will be OK.
Okay, my 17 month old is really wicked cute
That's well beyond the pale of cute. Unless cute is a word we're using to describe Hedy Lamarr these days.
I'm thinking: baby modeling agency = college fund.
I'm thinking: baby modeling agency = college fund.
Seriously. My exact thought.
because it looks like her first priority is to get a car
A car may facilitate the place thing, though, broadening her horizons. We've got a friend in our spare room, and she's hardly ever home, so it works.
Good morning!
Nora, I'm sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed by life in general. It's a suck ass thing. Maybe this will make you feel better.
I was reading the Natter thread from 9/11 the other day, and Tom was posting and one of his posts said something, "I love the Buffistas. Name, name, name, name and Nora." I thought, "Awww! So very cute! And now they're married!!"
On the upside, my birthday is tomorrow and I am taking the day off.
Premature Birthday Happies Nora! Days off are good.
On the downside, Saturday is a trip to CT, then Tom leaving for Milwaukee for a week, and a friend is moving into our spare room for an indeterminate amount of time. This last one is becoming exponentially more stressful all the time.
Some night you don't have a class, we should meet up and partake of some tasty adult beverages, either @ Canal Street or in Salem. I kinda miss having someone to commiserate with on the train on a regular basis (at least on those morinings when I'm not feeling feral).
Nora, you and Tom are good human beings for remembering what kind of help you would have appreciated and coming through for your friend. Lay down some ground rules ("Don't talk to me in the morning before coffee!" "Don't change my radio station!") for the things that make you craxy, and give her a few chores to do around the house so she understands that she's not actually a guest but a housemate.
sj, write your neighbor a very polite, very clear letter -- she may not park in your driveway, her guests may not park in your driveway, never-ever at all. Tell her it is for insurance reasons. Tell her any cars in your driveway will be towed, and violators will be considered tresspassers. Tell her this is not negotiable. Tell her the Buffistas will take up a collection and send Vortex up there to tell her what's what, and you'll tape it and post it on You Tube for our entertainment.
This morning, I have all the gronk. My cousin's husband was in town last night and we stayed up way to late playing drunken cribbage.
those morinings when I'm not feeling feral
Those exist? I never have mornings when I don't feel feral.
I'm just at a point where I feel like it's all just Too Much and it manifests itself as general mental/social paralysis with all attendant failings in normal social niceties and behavior.
But -- I saw you 2 weeks ago, and you showed no failings in social niceties and behavior! None.