Trudy, I hope the tests go well today and the fuzziness wanes so you can call and talk to him. That will make you *both* feel better.
KB, I just want to give you a hug. A big one.
I shanghaied a burly student.
Nice. But who did you get to carry the box then?
Teppy, is the illustration a secret until we see pictures, or is it what you talked about long ago, and/or may I please have spoilers?
But fuck. IT'S SIX MONTHS LATER. Took them six months to let me know the fucking thing "bounced" and OF COURSE it's the day after I had to pull $300 out of my ass for the PITA cat.
Oh sheesh, Aimee.
I'm doing it tonight! I just got back from Walgreen's with the "My shit is fucked" special. Smokes, haircolor and sleeping pills.
Sweet! What color did you get?
I drank more than my weight in scotch from Sat to Mon. Saturday was good drinking Sunday and Monday were pathetic drown your sorrows drinking.
Ugh. The good drinking is fun. The other is just not. Did they drown temporarily, at least?
Also, I put my hand through a glass pane Sunday night (I did think it was solid wood. Still stupid, but oddly cathartic.
You aren't shouting, "Don't walk away from me, bitch," at random moments (more random than regular than we can blame on fandom Tourette's), are you? 'Cause that last bit sounds suspiciously like spiritual possession via teenaged boy who can't handle his liquor.
IE, "When they find my corpse, at least my hair will look good."
My Nana had her hair done, and got a facial and a lip wax, something like four days before she died. And she wasn't even southern.
First day of school.
I can't (gronk) much, though. Need to think about tomorrow.
It went... okay. I mean, I rambled more than I'd like, but nothing worse that that. Hopefully I'll be able to curtail that as we get to actual math stuff. And at least I rambled about educational things! (It's a feature!)
I briefly had a date tonight, with one of the internet flirtation girls I've been trying to meet up with physically for a while, but weather and life interfered. Rainchecked (literally) 'til tomorrow.
I tried to skim the last 100 posts, but my eyes kept glazing over. For some reason, the only thing that caught my eye were the words "La Tep is awesome" which I briefly misread as "La Pump is awesome" which made me go to youtube and
ETA: My link broke. Thus the dadaistic end of my post. Oops.
trying again:
...which made me go to youtube and watch it. It is pretty awesome. I like Smoosh's new album more, though, I think.
ANYhooo. If anybody can give me a 10-word summary of anything important that happened in the last hundred posts, I can read it and hopefully hug who needs hugs and pat who needs pats and think about who needs thinking about. Otherwise...
(((All who need it)))
~ma to all who want it
Pizza and beer for everybody.
Very very red.
They weren't quite as drowned as I'd have liked last night. My grandfather used to tell me that about drowning your problems- that they can swim. Thus the pills tonight so I don't drink and can actually get more than the broken 3 hours I had.
I didn't shout at all. I wasn't even acting particularly angry. I just really wanted to punch something and there was the door, and I thought I'd hurt my hand on the wood, but it turned out to be painted glass. Then I was sitting on the floor in the middle of glass, covered in blood and laughing about how absurd everything was.
I didn't shout at all. I wasn't even acting particularly angry. I just really wanted to punch something and there was the door, and I thought I'd hurt my hand on the wood, but it turned out to be painted glass. Then I was sitting on the floor in the middle of glass, covered in blood and laughing about how absurd everything was.
Oh you poor thing. Also? Ouch. Did you have to clean up the blood and glass?
OK, this is ridiculous. It's way too early in the school year for me to be feeling this stressed out. Or this tired, really. I've just got no energy at all. Also a slight fever, which may be related. Just generally feeling bleh.
Count me in with the people who don't like today.
What's worse is that I kind of don't want to go home.
Can't wait to see the new TepArt.
Which always make me think "she made a sandwich out of the cat???"
One more ribbon incident and I'll bet it can't be ruled out.
Hil, fevers can leave you feeling drained. Blame it, and get some rest.
Lee! Thank you so much for the car! You silly woman giving up your toy!