I am intrigued by this Queen. Also by the fact that the guards said the Queen was expecting Bill. How did she know that Bill was on the way when he seemed to just think up the plan to go see her when he was talking to Sookie on Lafayette's porch? I don't understand why she would have been "expecting him". I mean, I doubt that Bill called her up on his iphone while he was super zooming out to wherever she lives. Maybe she could just sense that he was on the way?
I am still smiling at the Rambo music playing in the background as Jason made his speech about the war he'd been training for. Golden. Thanks, Newlins!
I suspect the Queen knows something about the maenad and the destruction the maenad has wrought. She probably was expecting him to come by and want more info/help.
What happens to True Blood vampires when they get staked, by the way? I don't think I've seen it happen yet. Do they just die, or is there a more Whedon-esque finish to it?
I'm asking, because I'm trying to parse what I'm supposed to be expecting, as opposed to what we'll actually see, when they get back to Bill's visit, given the bloody leg in the foreground of the shot, and Bill's shocked experession.
But why wouldn't she have been expecting Eric instead? I mean, he is the Sherrif of Area 5 and Mary Anne has been tearing shit up in his territory. Bill is just a nobody vamp who almost got killed by his local council only a few short months ago. I'm kind of surprised that the Queen even knows him. Just interesting, is what it is. I'll be fascinated to see that interaction. And what juicy thing the Queen is snacking on that's causing blood to trickle down between her toes.
What happens to True Blood vampires when they get staked, by the way? I don't think I've seen it happen yet. Do they just die, or is there a more Whedon-esque finish to it?
Jason's woman from last season staked the vampire they had in the basement. A metric shitload of blood squirted out covering all in the room, but I think that was it. I think the body was still there (no dusting or anything like that).
Beacoup blood, no dust.
Very gross, imo.
I totally wished for a Jossy "poof!"
Yes. That was a nasty spectacle. And the blood was all goopy, just like at Godric's place after the Lukinator blew himself up. That's the second time Jason has been covered in sticky, stretchy vampire blood. Although he didn't give the thumbs up after the first time.
I totally wished for a Jossy "poof!"
I'm suddenly wondering what kind of malevolent dust-bunnies a house-full of staked Whedon vamps would create.
Yeah, that staking was just so gross. I think I let out an audible "ick" when it happened.
I mean, I doubt that Bill called her up on his iphone while he was super zooming out to wherever she lives.
I don't know, he might have. He likes that Wii.