Absolutely THAT!
After the grand poobah's pronouncement about the superiority of vamps over all other beings, I'm confuzzled as to why they would got to the trouble of making a 'vamper' (I loved the old fellow's pronunciation in this ep) out of that particularly whiny box of hair.
Bill's father knows best exasperation was pretty cute.
I'm also loving Pam's rock solid consistency. She is who she is and she ain't no more. Even Eric seems to waffle with the caring but not her. She ought to have a Buffy-quote tshirt. "I'm paralyzed with the not caring."
One moment in this ep I had to rewind and watch again was Sam's "Yes, I can!" to Sookie's assertion that he could not watch over her 24/7. Perfect delivery...oh so sweet and misguided.
eta: a quibble.
Except for making the fans squee and subsequently squick over Naked!Bill arises...in more ways than one...How is it that this most recent dirt nap sees him fully clothed and, ahem, spotless when Jessica crawled out of the soil?
Why are folks white-fonting in here?
I was whitefonting speculation. Not 100% sure of the killer's identity. They could still pull a twist.
I thought the same thing about the naked dirt nap, bonny.
In re: whitefonting. I'm a bit paranoid about tripping into the guac, so I err on the side of potential overkill.
ION, Dexter, you KNEW it was going to end badly with Miguel, deep down. You don't release a monster without your level of control or training.
That was Rene in the faxed picture? I didn't recognise him at all.
Kind of love newly made vampire chick. "But there's lots of people I'd really like to kill. You don't let me do anything" = hilarious!
Michelle Forbes is giving me a Circe vibe. Some sort of witchiness that requires a steady source of society's cast-offs, I'm guessing.
How is it that this most recent dirt nap sees him fully clothed and, ahem, spotless when Jessica crawled out of the soil?
Probably she needed more of a cushion between sunset and actual emergence than he did, giving him time to get cleaned up and pick up a 4-pack of TruBlood. I guess he normally just likes to "sleep" naked but kept his clothes on because he was with Jessica this time?
t /handwave
Perhaps vampires wouldn't have to worry about their continued existence if they didn't make STUPID PEOPLE vampires in the first place. Creating annoying brood as a punishment cannot be good for the species.
This is Bill's punishment. Any other vamp would just stake her or bind her with silver and throw her in a hole, but Bill won't do that. I think that leaving her with Eric is going to bite him in the ass. When he and Sookie make up, like you know they will, teenangst!vampire will come back and be a problem. Mark my words.
Aha! I have scored the first few episodes of
from one of the street stalls (also Season 1 of
the latest eps of
and a couple of movies), and I'm quite well disposed to it so far.
I have to say, Sookie is a lot like the book Sookie. The things that made me want to wallop her remain the same - however, since we're not locked into her POV, it's much less irritating. And I'm loving Chef Guy to pieces - SO much better than the characterisation in the books.
A point - Tara, in the books, isn't black, right? I'm sure I couldn't have missed that, because Harris does tend to make a big deal about race, and I'm sure that if Sookie had the ACTUAL opportunity to say "I'm not prejudiced! Some of my best friends are black people!" she would have. God knows Chef Guy's colour and sexual orientation were expounded at length, in order to make a point of how very accepting and broad minded Li'l Ol' Sookie was.
(Having now read the first of Harris's Lily Bard mysteries, I quite enjoyed it - but I found myself coming up against the same thing that put me off the Stackhouse books initially - this whole prissy prim prudish prejudiced bullshit thing. One of the characters in the Lily Bard book is revealed as being into bondage, which is given as a character note for her being sick, twisted, and generally a nasty, pathetic piece of work. I don't think it's spoilery to say that
Harris pulls the same schtick in the Stackhouse books.)
Which we get in the show, with Sookie's response to Bill's mention of an artery in the groin - she's all "Don't you be using nasty talk with me! Treat me like the lady I am!" It's - ack, I'm sure it's well-observed, this whole very proud, very conservative thing as a (female) expression of being working class. But it does drive me crazy. However, in the show we get her contrasted with all the other people, who cheerfully swear and talk dirty/make with the innuendo, so whilst I still don't love Sookie, I'm quite liking the 'verse.
I'm liking TV!Tara, myself. I mean, she's a walking disaster area, but I like her as a character. Although what on earth she sees in Jason baffles me - I found their interactions highly unlikely. Sam's quite sweet. Bill's a lot more interesting than I expected. I like Granny. I like the soundtrack, and the way it's shot. I like the
style scary vampire movement thing too.
I'm really quite hopeful, actually, on the basis of the first episode. I think I may like it more than the books - and I have read most of the books, despite my mixed feelings about Harris's attitudes to race and kink.
I've been reading the first book, keeping up with the episodes, and I'll get to finish the book after I see the finale on Monday. It's definitely different so far. I'm not sure if I'll read any more after this one, though. I have a tendency to shy away from books that take place in the American south. I think it's because I've lived here so long that one reason I read fantasy fiction is to get the *@&# away from here.
Sorry, angsty moment.
I do love Show Lafayette.
Whoa, VERY interesting news about one of the extras on the Deadwood complete box set: [link]
Too fucking bad I already bought the goddam seasons individually. HBO cocksuckers. Fucking Yankton!!!