I've been reading the first book, keeping up with the episodes, and I'll get to finish the book after I see the finale on Monday. It's definitely different so far. I'm not sure if I'll read any more after this one, though. I have a tendency to shy away from books that take place in the American south. I think it's because I've lived here so long that one reason I read fantasy fiction is to get the *@&# away from here.
Sorry, angsty moment.
I do love Show Lafayette.
Whoa, VERY interesting news about one of the extras on the Deadwood complete box set: [link]
Too fucking bad I already bought the goddam seasons individually. HBO cocksuckers. Fucking Yankton!!!
Wow, HBO has a spot for Trueblood fanfiction on it's official site. Has that ever happened before?
The L word did it. Somebody even won a prize, iirc.
But I can only believe that a good ficcer would help that show.(No offense to all those gorgeous actresses)
It's just nice to see it allowed, versus the Fox C&D crap that they issued to so many Buffy fan sites.
It's just nice to see it allowed, versus the Fox C&D crap that they issued to so many Buffy fan sites.
It does feel a bit like the times they are a-changin'. I mean, I remember being appalled that some twit handed a copy of that fabulous
Firefly vid to Nathan Fillion - but now you've got Joss rec'ing that fabulous
Firefly vid himself on his website, and saying that it was Tim who told
about it.
...I may be wrong, but I get the general feeling that the publicity machines are waking up to the fact that for the most part, fanfic and fanvids only PROMOTE their products - that they act like viral marketing.
I'm pretty sure that the BBC has a make-your-own Doctor Who story section too on their website - not quite fanfic, but something along those lines.
Further thoughts on
- Bill Compton is a hell of a lot more attractive without the distractingly awful Snape FanArt style book covers.
- Tara continues to remind me of Faith, with added trainwreck and thinner skin. Argh. I'm increasingly inclined to 'ship her with Sam, because he so wants to look after someone, and she so wants to be looked after.
- Sookie doesn't seem to have a single shred of sense.
- Lafayette is MADE OF FUCKING WIN.
- Jason is actually quite endearing.
- I heart Rene. Also Hoit. For completely different reasons. But they're both adorable.
- Sheriff Bud is fab. I've liked him since the first episode, where he had to give Jason the sorrowful hounddog look of one heterosexual man who had regretfully had to watch another heterosexual man shagging, and is now having to look said man in the face in shared embarassment.
Oh, Grandma. Well, 'kay, I knew that was coming. Still - curses.
hopes that the TV version doesn't cleave to the text in all ways wrt characters' fates...
Oh, also? They fucking NAILED Pam, imho. And Eric's good too. Although I can't help squinting to see his (the actor's) dad in his features, which is a bit distracting.
Sookie doesn't seem to have a single shred of sense.
No, see doesn't, really, although I was glad that she managed to mostly rescue herself at the end. And she still has more sense than Jason, who's never found a bad decision he couldn't make.
I'm hoping he really ISN'T gone, because that would suck.
Ah, is he gone in TV canon now? Damn.
Yes, you're right: Sookie may not have the self-preservation instincts of a mentally deficient lemming, but Jason has a positive
for hurling himself where angels fear to tread.
But I've been enjoying watching it. I think the TV show gives him (and his shagadelic lifestyle) a lot more pathos than the books managed.
Hell, Tara's mother slayed me, actually, at the funeral. I mean, I was still wholly on Tara's side there, but I did feel genuinely sorry for her poor lost mother. And I liked the parallel they gave us, with Tara's mother and Jason, and their selfish, self-destructive, addiction-laden paths.
I love Tara to bits. I don't harbour any illusions about her and Sam making for a quick fix, because, damn, they both have baggage, but I still like them together a lot, and I think that she's a better match for him than Sookie.
(And I don't think I mentioned how disarmed I was by Sam's sleeping puppy noises. BLESS! I just...I'm a cat person, but I did have a whole big attack of Bless.)
...Sookie's poofy white defloration dress was...surprising. Where did she buy it? And when did she have occasion to buy it? It seems a tad out of place in her wardrobe. Unless she started ordering fangbanger lingerie as soon as Vampire Bill blew into town? I mean...wtf?