Sookie was definitely too holier-than-thou considering her own uniqueness.
What the fuck was Bill doing pushing a political agenda? I'm glad he defended himself so aptly and that Eric stood up for him, too.
Bill's punishment sounds like it's going to toss another complicated person into the mix. Jessica's going to follow him home, isn't she?
Poor Eddie.
What the hell was up with the woman in the road with the pig?
Not having seen the show in question, I'm going to hazard a guess that she was waiting for a horse to walk into a bar? Or possibly hoping to be given a lift somewhere by a rabbi, a priest and an imam?
I believe she was a shapeshifter.
Dayum, Lafayette cleans up NIIIICE.
OMG. Bill's vampire child is dumb as the dirt she crawled out of.
Does this mean what's his name Mamma's boy is the killer?
Huh. Guess it's Rene!? That's weird.
Cash, I agree. After all my research last week, finding out
that is is Rene seemed fairly
anticlimactic. But who knows where the hunt will lead.
I was a bit put off by the uber-soapyness of Bill's return to Sookie's...and the subsequent "If you only knew" pronouncement.
Not that telling her the truth would make her any less self-absorbed, I suppose.
Again, poor Sam. When will he ever learn.
Since I've only listened to the last three books, I'm at a loss over the Michelle Forbes character.
Jessica provided some necessary comic relief and Eric was pretty hot.
Eric was pretty hot.
Totally agree.
I love how Bill was flummoxed by Jessica.
Perhaps vampires wouldn't have to worry about their continued existence if they didn't make STUPID PEOPLE vampires in the first place. Creating annoying brood as a punishment cannot be good for the species.