Man, that was the worst shootout ever. Those guys suck at, like...hitting anyone EXCEPT FOR INNOCENT NINE-YEAR-OLDS.
I'm totally confused about that FBI agent. It seemed initially that he was in with the Greek and his crew, so why'd he make a huge drug bust?
Dominic West's fake British accent is pretty awful. Hee. And McNulty is such a dog! Ha.
The scene with Bodie tossing the backpack of guns into the wat—ONTO A BOAT was awesome. It was just so matter-of-fact, la la la PLONK.
Man, it's so weird dealing with the Greeks after the Barksdale crew. Because they were smart as shit and understood how the police worked and all. Rip out the damn pay phones, ALL OF THEM. These guys are all, "Oh, we'll stop being illegal FOR A FEW DAYS and then they'll leave us alone." I mean, why does no one suspect what's actually going on, that they're purposely hanging back to lull them into a false sense of security? Stringer Bell would totally see through that shit.
Was that guy at the end supposed to be Brother Wossname? He doesn't look so scary.
It seemed initially that he was in with the Greek and his crew, so why'd he make a huge drug bust?
Remember when the Columbians tried to screw the Greeks on the money? The Greeks decided to cut their losses and reward Koutros (wasn't that his name?) with the bust, so he looks good to his bosses and they get the Columbians back.
I mean, why does no one suspect what's actually going on, that they're purposely hanging back to lull them into a false sense of security?
These guys are so far back from the street that they're not used to scrutiny.
Remember when the Columbians tried to screw the Greeks on the money?
I'm...not sure. Refresh my memory?
The Greeks decided to cut their losses and reward Koutros (wasn't that his name?) with the bust, so he looks good to his bosses and they get the Columbians back.
They get them back by busting their drug shipment?
These guys are so far back from the street that they're not used to scrutiny.
Refresh my memory?
Just a comment when Vondas and the Greek are talking. The Columbians pay less than the agreed price for the drugs in that specific can. So, when they need to reward Koutros and want to send a message to the Columbians that they won't be fucked with, they give Koutros the can.
You just wait, Mister.
I watched the final episode again last night. It still lacks the punch of the penultimate one, but man, both of the montages remain moments of unspeakable beauty and power.
yes, it was a beautiful thing.
Just finished the second season.
2.10: Man, Ziggy's arc culminated in going nuts and killing someone?? Shit, dude. That was fucked up. Also, I love how the show is all, "LOOK AT THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY CALLED TEXT MESSAGING." Oh, 2003.
Brother Wossname (I will not try to spell it) is somewhat of a badass in his own bowtie way, but he feels kind of unreal and comical. When he talks, he doesn't sound like a real person like every other person on the show does.
Sweet Jesus, Valchek is a fucking ass, and Prez is awesome for clocking him.
God, the FBI screws up everything! While helping.
2.11: Raids!! And oh my God, Beadie sure has come a long way. Tailing a suspect! GETTING IN THE ELEVATOR WITH HIM HA HA HA. Adorable. And, as I do, I totally threw my hands in the air when The Greek WALKED RIGHT BY KIMA.
(Unrelatedly: Nick fucking cheated on his girlfriend with that random girl! (I know she wasn't a random girl, but I don't remember when we'd seen her before.) What the hell? Why does everyone cheat? And the show doesn't even care, either; it's not like it's this big plot point. It's just there, like it's something he did, whatever. Gah.)
Omar! Stringer totally played Omar! And Omar won't stand for that shit.
Man, I was really feeling for Frank Sobotka. I mean, I never loved him like I loved D'Angelo, but he was a good guy doing some bad shit. Like he said to Beadie, he was doing wrong things for what he thought were the right reasons.
2.12: Man, Bubbles didn't get shit to do this season, did he? I mean, good thing he was around, but this right here was basically the only important scene for him.
I can't believe no one called Herc and Carver about Nick Sobotka. That was kind of shitty. Granted, they were doing a shitty job of detail this whole fucking season (they might have actually CAUGHT Spiros if they'd been paying some fucking attention rather than fighting over fries), but still. Sometimes they were being too whiny, but sometimes their complaints were valid. And I'm surprised they didn't steal any money this time.
Holy shit, Lance Reddick has a hot body.
While the case didn't end up closing as awesomely as it could have, as Daniels noted, I think it had a somewhat more victorious ending than the Barksdale case. They cleared their 14 goddamn murders, and they got the people they had on the charges they actually wanted. Spiros and The Greek got away, but hey. Also: The Greek isn't even Greek??? That's some J.J. Abrams shit right there.
I loved the foreshadowing for next season!! McNulty has a case for Daniels's new unit! Stringer and Prop Joe, West Side and East Side, cats and dogs! And Beadie looks forlornly at the detail trailer! Please bring her on the team!
Overall, it was a good season. I think my preconceptions may have clouded my judgment since I was looking for reasons why so many people have said it's the worst season, but I really can't judge until I see the other three seasons to compare. Obviously, with the first season focusing so much on the Barksdale crew, getting us so familiar with those characters, it's a little disappointing to have them pushed into the background in their own little tangential plotline, barely even evident to Our Heroes. And while I eventually cared about Frank and Nick Sobotka (fuck you, Zig), I never really cared about the GREAT AND WONDERFUL UNION and their GLORIOUS SHIPYARDS, Frank's constant flowery speeches notwithstanding. (One exception: I did like his bit about the fact that America used to build stuff, and now it just sticks its hand in someone else's pocket.) I never really understood all the union politics, so I wasn't drawn into that aspect. Although I was pleased to see that Frank got his Grainary thing, whatever the hell that was.
There was also the part where we had to wait and wait for the detail to get put together. It was certainly realistic, and it was interesting in its own way, but it's also a little frustrating to watch (continued...)
( continues...) because you know they have to get the characters working together again and you want them to do it sooner rather than later. Thankfully, it looks like the writers anticipated this and gave Daniels his own unit so we don't have to deal with that in the future.
I'm excited about season 3. I hear it is excellent.
I know she wasn't a random girl
She was the girl from the fake paternity suit Zig got in the bar. "She's Having My Baby," remember?
Glad you dug the season. I think Frank Sobatka is one of the great dramatic tragic figures, myself.