I must say, spending the entire teaser slowly and heavy-handedly showing us that McNulty was in a self-destructive downward spiral was a little irritating. At least there was a hot waitress.
Then there was a whole random scene about Bunk's choice of clothing.
Oh no you dumbshit cops! It's a SECRET DETAIL! Dammit!!
Man, it kind of sucks that it took this long to get a damn wire, and, like, THE VERY DAY they start using it, their target is clued onto them.
Prez's fascination with the whole deal is really endearing, though. He's having so much fun! I have to keep trying to forget that he clocked a kid in the eye. I know he's moved way past that, but it's the first major thing we see him do, so it's kind of a defining moment for his character and how we perceive him.
What the fuck is up with Zig and the duck??
I'm also worried about what sort of retaliation is going to hit the Barksdale kids. Were none of the East Side boys packing heat at
It's interesting to see what sort of information Our Heroes have and wait for them to piece it all together so that it takes them to The Greek.
What the fuck is up with Zig and the duck??
This is a question of almost cosmic significance.
Some of my favorite Wire moments are "random"
I think Zig is wacky with the extra money in his pocket. In his own way, he's ghetto, you know?
Man, that was the worst shootout ever. Those guys suck at, like...hitting anyone EXCEPT FOR INNOCENT NINE-YEAR-OLDS.
I'm totally confused about that FBI agent. It seemed initially that he was in with the Greek and his crew, so why'd he make a huge drug bust?
Dominic West's fake British accent is pretty awful. Hee. And McNulty is such a dog! Ha.
The scene with Bodie tossing the backpack of guns into the wat—ONTO A BOAT was awesome. It was just so matter-of-fact, la la la PLONK.
Man, it's so weird dealing with the Greeks after the Barksdale crew. Because they were smart as shit and understood how the police worked and all. Rip out the damn pay phones, ALL OF THEM. These guys are all, "Oh, we'll stop being illegal FOR A FEW DAYS and then they'll leave us alone." I mean, why does no one suspect what's actually going on, that they're purposely hanging back to lull them into a false sense of security? Stringer Bell would totally see through that shit.
Was that guy at the end supposed to be Brother Wossname? He doesn't look so scary.
It seemed initially that he was in with the Greek and his crew, so why'd he make a huge drug bust?
Remember when the Columbians tried to screw the Greeks on the money? The Greeks decided to cut their losses and reward Koutros (wasn't that his name?) with the bust, so he looks good to his bosses and they get the Columbians back.
I mean, why does no one suspect what's actually going on, that they're purposely hanging back to lull them into a false sense of security?
These guys are so far back from the street that they're not used to scrutiny.
Remember when the Columbians tried to screw the Greeks on the money?
I'm...not sure. Refresh my memory?
The Greeks decided to cut their losses and reward Koutros (wasn't that his name?) with the bust, so he looks good to his bosses and they get the Columbians back.
They get them back by busting their drug shipment?
These guys are so far back from the street that they're not used to scrutiny.
Refresh my memory?
Just a comment when Vondas and the Greek are talking. The Columbians pay less than the agreed price for the drugs in that specific can. So, when they need to reward Koutros and want to send a message to the Columbians that they won't be fucked with, they give Koutros the can.
You just wait, Mister.
I watched the final episode again last night. It still lacks the punch of the penultimate one, but man, both of the montages remain moments of unspeakable beauty and power.
yes, it was a beautiful thing.
Nice interview with Idris Elba. [link]