I looooooove the credits.
They won many awards. I hate them like I hate no other opening credits. They hit a certain point when they should (in my mind) end, and they keep going, and it angers me beyond all reasonable expextation.
Fortunately, I watched most of the series on DVD and could just skip past them. Those episodes I watched live I'd have to busy myself with something else.
They're pretty long, yeah, but I love the theme song a whole lot, as well as the way they match the images. I feel like the theme song so perfectly encompasses the tone and themes of the show.
I think they are too damn long. I like The Wire credits.
Got to keep the devil
Down in the hole.
And the wall that says Bodymore, Murdaland.(Which DS swears they just found...not made up in the art department)
IIRC, they developed the imagery first and the composer wrote the music to fit it.
Eta: The Wire credits are fantastic. Every season.
Some of you quiet fans of The Wire might love the fuck out of the videos you can find on this page. Not spoilery for anyone who's seen at least the first couple of episodes from Season 1.
Really? Nothing? No, "Hey, No-Heart Anthony!," even?