Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


Boxed Set, Vol. III: "That Can't Be Good..."  

A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much any other "genre" show that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.

Whitefont all unaired in the U.S. ep discussion, identifying it as such, and including the show and ep title in blackfont.

Blackfont is allowed after the show has aired on the east coast.

This is NOT a general TV discussion thread.

tavella - Aug 09, 2006 2:21:07 pm PDT #149 of 10001
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.

Shiny new Doctor Who pictures and info. I'm sort of 'hmm' about the new blue suit. I'm in favor of not wearing the same suit all the time, but I'm not in love with the new one.

CFerg - Aug 09, 2006 3:09:05 pm PDT #150 of 10001

How's this to throw in :

Maybe the distribution of the paranoia inducing monkey beam (via hijacked signal) was not optimum and the full effect of thee paranoia could not be experienced which would account for the cohesion of the group.

FYI, Shayne (who plays Spencer) asked many times ".....and WHY do I have to be naked sitting in a crop circle."

I can't remember if it made the podcast but the movie was supposed to start with the unversal logo but universal legal couldn't clear it with universal in time for the universal logo to be used in a universal show.... we all stood there silently and nodded.

CFerg - Aug 09, 2006 3:15:08 pm PDT #151 of 10001


And we've been back to Sci Fi about the Comcast and Direct Tv situation. No one is very pleased but they are aware of it now. Gracias.

And the numbers came in. We're holding over a 2. So we're stoked! - especially with the scheduling gaff.

§ ita § - Aug 09, 2006 3:15:16 pm PDT #152 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

The ray was in beta. That covers a lot of sins.

We're holding over a 2. So we're stoked! - especially with the scheduling gaff.


brenda m - Aug 09, 2006 3:23:37 pm PDT #153 of 10001
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

We're holding over a 2. So we're stoked! - especially with the scheduling gaff

Rock! Great news.

Dana - Aug 09, 2006 3:29:40 pm PDT #154 of 10001
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

Maybe the distribution of the paranoia inducing monkey beam

Not even having seen the episode, "paranoia-inducing monkey beam" is now my new favorite phrase.

Zenkitty - Aug 09, 2006 3:33:21 pm PDT #155 of 10001
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Hanging in over 2! That's excellent!

SailAweigh - Aug 09, 2006 4:01:24 pm PDT #156 of 10001
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

Well, now that I've found where the Eureka natter is, I'll pull up a seat. I hadn't meant to get hooked on it and originally just thought, "oh, cool, it's on after Dead Like Me," but I can say--I like it, I really like it!

WindSparrow - Aug 09, 2006 4:10:35 pm PDT #157 of 10001
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

why do you have to be naked while doing it?

Oh, that one I know--because it's fun.

Erm... that depends on what crop we're talking about. And how much rain there's been. Corn, for instance, could be exceptionally unpleasant to bare skin, as corn stalks have been known to pierce tractor tires. Also, depends what kind of bugs hang around in it, unless they've sprayed recently, but that brings its own issues. I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

Nicklas - Aug 09, 2006 4:15:17 pm PDT #158 of 10001
"Either it's murder, or this library has a very strict overdue policy."

I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

Nooo, of course not. See it more like trying to figure out future plotlines. Poor, poor Spencer.