Susan, what about the realisation that, if she marries Jack, they'll need to go elsewhere because of the class structure of the time being what it was? Literally, distance from James and Lucy, from familiar things, from the England she came to miss while she was with the Army, as a motivation. But she can also have the realisation that, as it is, she has no place to call home.
Memememe stuff:
1. I just got an email from my editor. FFoSM made The Independent Mystery Booksellers Association's Top Five Picks for January: "(IMBA) announces its January 2005 selections for Killer Books, five mysteries to die for this month. Current and past selections can be found at" This is a huge, huge deal if you write mysteries, and happy-making.
2. Can I request a wee bit of "go, Deb!"-ness? Still Life With Devils is being seriously considered for trade paperback by a huge, huge name among editors, at a major publishing house. He asked Jenn to ask me if I'd consider a pseudonym for it, because - this is worrying me half to death - "the Bookscan numbers on the St. Martins series are a bit low, and might be a stumbling block."
Dude, I have no problem with using a pseudonym, I wouldn't want it to clash with the series anyway, but I'm damned if I know how to push the series more than I have been. I've been working my ass off to get it out there. On the sunny side, he's asked for copies of Weaver and FFoSM, so maybe....and I've asked Jenn to pitch the vampire book, as well.