That could work....
Yep. And, again, it serves an illuminating function, as well - do it right and we, the readers, get to see Anna suddenly grow up even further by way of a single well-drawn epiphany. It's a very adult moment to realise you have no real home.
Oh, for goodness sake, go go go go, Still Life! I love that book with an unholy passion, and it needs to be in print SO BAD. Ooh! Can we help you think up a suitable pseud? Carilla Katherine McHartshade? Susannah DeVaronna? Brigihde Silvermantle?
Maybe Barbara Vine? No, wait....
Go, Deb!!
I always wanted to be married to somebody rich and famous.
The first name of the pseudonym must be Letitia. I adore that name. Letitia Stonebridge or something overwhelmingly Brit.
Go, Deb! Does that mean there's a possibility editor guy might want pb rights to the series, too? 'Cuz that would be cool beans.
And is one of the short-shorts you're waiting to hear about the one for Arabella?
Also, no new challenge today? I had another holiday hell one, but I didn't do it because I thought it would be too late... Maybe I'll squeak it in.
AmyLiz, go ahead and post the Holiday Hell one, as I'm scrambling around trying to come up with a topic for this week.
Deb, wow, how cool! Much publish~ma to you!
Susan, I haven't even had the opportunity to read your book, but I'm into it just from your description of Anna.
I need to quit my job, so that I'll have the time and the energy to write, at the same time. Damn my need for housing and food.