That could work....
Yep. And, again, it serves an illuminating function, as well - do it right and we, the readers, get to see Anna suddenly grow up even further by way of a single well-drawn epiphany. It's a very adult moment to realise you have no real home.
Oh, for goodness sake, go go go go, Still Life! I love that book with an unholy passion, and it needs to be in print SO BAD. Ooh! Can we help you think up a suitable pseud? Carilla Katherine McHartshade? Susannah DeVaronna? Brigihde Silvermantle?
Maybe Barbara Vine? No, wait....
Go, Deb!!
I always wanted to be married to somebody rich and famous.
The first name of the pseudonym must be Letitia. I adore that name. Letitia Stonebridge or something overwhelmingly Brit.
Go, Deb! Does that mean there's a possibility editor guy might want pb rights to the series, too? 'Cuz that would be cool beans.
And is one of the short-shorts you're waiting to hear about the one for Arabella?
Also, no new challenge today? I had another holiday hell one, but I didn't do it because I thought it would be too late... Maybe I'll squeak it in.
AmyLiz, go ahead and post the Holiday Hell one, as I'm scrambling around trying to come up with a topic for this week.
Deb, wow, how cool! Much publish~ma to you!
Susan, I haven't even had the opportunity to read your book, but I'm into it just from your description of Anna.
I need to quit my job, so that I'll have the time and the energy to write, at the same time. Damn my need for housing and food.
Amy, nope, the Arabella's on hold, although Marlene has nearly talked me into doing RWA (in Reno, so, easy) and/or Romantic Times. They concentrate half on mystery these days, apparently.
And yes, Editor Guy (whom Marlene informs me is Very Big Cheese and also a sweetie) may be digging for series paperback rights. That's why I told Jenn to send him FFoSM.
It's also why I think we should pitch Ruth on a multi-book second deal, instead of one book. I don't give a shit about the advance size; if the series sells at all, I see that money eventually anyway. What I want is for Big Cheese Editor to be thinking hmmmm, paperback, and then pick up Publishers Lunch and read "Sold: to Ruth Cavin at St. Martin's Minotaur, books four, five and six of the Murder, Music & Ghosts series, in a nice (my note: "nice" means under $100,000K, because I'm a realist) deal."