Deb, Nilly, Bev and sj are talking about the first 1/3 of my novel, which is in shitty first draft stage and will be improved shortly, I hope. Just have to get through the current fibro flare. I'd love to send it to you, either now or after I've made the current round of edits, whichever you prefer.
I have not heard from Dogtown Review, which is distressing, since he told me weeks ago that he was going to e-mail me some feedback.
Deena, keep in mind that Dogtown piece is about a quarter of the length of yours, so it was a no-brainer; he either hated it or liked it. Not enough in there to fix, if it had happened to be broken. And I only just heard from him, late last night.
Send me first third after edits, yes? I'll be settling down with AmyLiz's as soon as I have any time at all.
After edits it is, and thank you.
Hey...I thought I told you that obeying commands thing was private...I've got a mystique to maintain, you know?
You know, my brain went right to my not very well hidden submissive thing and just shorted right the hell out.
You know, my brain went right to my not very well hidden submissive thing and just shorted right the hell out.
Probably just as well. Two less submissive women you'd be hard-pressed to find.
Well, I guess we won't get picked up in Hong Kong.
It's still gross, but more to the point it's five pages looking for a story...I don't know what the bigger sin is.It's gonna be noir, so all kinds of fun with cynicism and'd think I could borrow more from life, right?
Damn. Must peel cats off head and lap and legs, and go get some work done....
which is in shitty first draft stage
It is not, ijs. It is really very good.
X-post from Bitches:
I have a question about Livejournal. Bear with the stoopidhead for a minnit. My friends-lock used to be eyes only, friends-only, group(s)-only, and none. Now I have Default (which I have no idea whether I set the default, or LJ does, and if I do, how?), None, Anonymous only, By non-friends, and All comments. I have a headache, which is making my thinking particularly opaque. All I want to do is friends-lock this entry. How?