Gotta love Chelsea Clinton. In the New Yorker profile on Bill:
Chelsea on her father's handling of the AIDS crisis after writing a thesis on the subject at Oxford: "I gave you a grade," she told her father. "What did I get?" Clinton asked. "C-plus." Her rationale: "You didn't do nearly enough. But you did more than anyone else in the world."
I am totally Googleable, unfortunately. Theatre Bay Area puts information that I *thought* was behind a Members Only wall out for everyone, so my old cell number is out there, as is an article accusing me of racism based on one online interaction and one article about me in the Star-Tribune. The cell doesn't bother me - the article does.
(And please not to be clicking on the article link, thank you!)
I'm googly. Both my genealogy and various publications (none recent). Also, many many ancestors of the same name. I feel reasonably invisible, considering my last name is kind of atypical.
This day will not end. What's worse, is I don't really want to get to tomorrow, either. Miserable conversation to be had.
Yes, and he shouldn't risk that.
Yeah, its much harder to go to Switzerland twice a year and get your brain replaced.
I love Keith Richards, he's a role model and an object lesson all in one.
okay, I take that back. if you google me + last name, the first three hits are me. but "sa" on it's own is ungoogleable.
The first Google hit on me is a man. I think I'm safe.
I googled Jesse!
I've nothing else to say.