McSeeeney's RIAA parody letter: [link]
If you would prefer not to be stripped of your home and dignity, please send us $3,750 in the return envelope. If your toddler has been named in this lawsuit, explain to them that the fruits of their labor as an adult will go to pay a debt that will ultimately lead to their death at a young age due to their inability to afford medical insurance. Toddlers never understand that, but they'll get the point if you make them cry. If your household pet has been named in this lawsuit, it will be euthanized. If you are a 13-year-old girl, do not expect that the bad publicity in the past has made us hesitant to sue little girls—it has only made us hate you even more. If you, your household pet, or your toddler did not commit any of the acts above, then we will sue you and ruin your life forever for lying. Then we will sue you again, because it's not about the money anymore. It's about revenge.
you google my first and last names, you get 12 million hits
Jealous of Vortex's anonymity
Mine gets 16.6 million hits (17.5 if you add in my middle initial). I have a verra common name.
you can't google SA at all. which is just fantastic.
I get me and my evil twin, the humorless atheist. Which is so very "Sliding Doors" if you feel me.
I'm totally googling all of you people now. I feel like I know a surprising number of people's full names, off-hand.
And he doesn’t like modern drugs like ecstasy because they “mess with the brain”.
Yes, and he shouldn't risk that.
The only google of my name that used to give me was if you combined it with "ranty pants," because I once told the school committee I was wearing them. It's gone from google now, though.
Wow. I am ungoogleable. Both 'Tom' and 'Thomas' + {lastname} produce lots o' matches, none of them me.
I'm googleable, but buried pretty deep unless you do an exact search on my full name. And most of that stuff is ancient work related.