First Illinoisan to get sick from E. coli-tainted spinach. She's from LaSalle county downstate:
A woman from north central Illinois has been hospitalized in serious condition for the past week with kidney failure after eating tainted spinach, state public health officials said today.
Thanks, but actually I'd probably freak poor Leif by not wanting to know any pop prince stories in favor of talking about copping heroin.
But the thought is appreciated!
Leif Garrett? What happened to Mark Hamill?
I told them if it had been Shaun Cassidy they'd have had a fight on their hands.
Seriously! I crushed so hard on Shaun when I was like 7. My parents took me to Atlanta to see him in concert and they still make fun of me for yelling "Hey Deenie!" over and over. What can I say? It was my favorite!
Actually, I think I started drinking vodka tonics because of Hec. So obviously I'm kind of a derivative drinker. Damn.
Whiskey? Whiskey & water? You're in a wonderful place for the whiskey.
I had whiskey and water the other night, and I still don't like whiskey. It's a sad thing, I know. You'd think it would suit me, but somehow no.
Greyhounds are a nice changeup for when you still want to be drinking vodka (vodka & grapefruit juice). Added bonus - lack of scurvy!
Ooh, me likey. I'll try this the next time I'm out.
GF and I have been all about the rum and Diet Coke this summer. Yum!
Leif Garrett? What happened to Mark Hamill?
On Friday I
Mark Hammill. On Saturday I
Leif Garrett.
It was my own personal episode of "So That Was The Seventies!"
My drink of choice, when I can get it, is cheap red wine and cherry juice.
Low-brow R us.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Erika! Did you know Lehane's got a new book out? It's a collection of short stories.
For someone who's not much of a girlie-girl, I do like the girlie drinks. Fuzzy navels, daqueries, pina coladas, rum and coke, and so on...If I can't taste the alcohol, it's my kind of drink.