Ok, everyone here knows that I like to post links to things which are Scary and Wrong. So of course, that's what this post is about. Except I should warn you - this is
scary and wrong. I mean, it's worksafe, but that's about the best thing I can say about it.
OK, I'll jsut come out and link to it: Rapping Christian Pirate Puppets
So. Wrong.
Timelies all!
The housefilk was fun, even if there was more chatting than filking.(That's often the case with these things)Tired now.
t Super Porny Pants swoops into thread. It is an exciting journey for she has been here rarely and certainly not in a long time. She flies around with super speed, reads several hundred posts, smiles beamingly at folks who have never summoned her before, and lands perched on a precipice, fists on hips
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh? Eh? Know what I mean?
Report on the day's activities:
Have been working on paper 1, on Evolution and Intelligent Design. Am stumped as to how to double the length.
Started finding articles for paper 2, on single-sex education.
Soon, I will go down to school and print out said articles and plan for class tomorrow.
Am now having Mac and Cheese, with 3 kinds of extra cheese, plus garlic.
Send motivation.
Have been working on paper 1, on Evolution and Intelligent Design. Am stumped as to how to double the length.
Add a section on Creationism. Just take whatever you wrote on Intelligent Design, copy it, and replace every occurance of 'Intelligent Design' with 'Creationism.'
Started finding articles for paper 2, on single-sex education.
Instructions on how to do cell division?
Oh, it's in there. It's really about the trajectory from Scopes to today, in the debate. I'm thinking it ties into larger issues in the culture, but that's a whole other set of references, which may be my motivation problem.
For those following the road to 911 debacle-
This Kos diary suggest downrating ABC programs on your Tivo:
I'm sure all the Tivo owners know how to use them - but in case not the article includes detailed instructions.