BB - so the cingular text quiz left off D.)
Scott is gay and Cowboy an idiotic follower.
As for tonight's ep....
how does EVERYONE
not see that
Will lies to EVERYONE. He never
wins competitions and yet
he runs the whole game. and no one challenges him.
OH MY! it was the anti-brain trusts going at it.
I hope
Boogie was about to go public about his "secret" alliance/showmance with Erika.
Because I'm thinking that cat's out of the bag.
I really am proud of our school.
As well you should be. I wish all schools and teachers and administrators seemed to care and care about their students as much.
Fixed my computer's sound card/seating/excorcism. I have tons of vids that have been patiently waiting for me. Now they don't have to be alone and scared any more...
I love my undead gay sound card.
Hmm. Watching Fight Science (thanks to Arliss for the heads up!). They're measuring the force of various arts. First up is the punch. Not surprisingly, the boxer has one. But I bet every TKD school is saying they could have fielded someone stronger. Just like any of the other arts.
Thing is, they've shown a number of competition one-punch knockouts. They're all hooks. The punches they're measuring are straight punches--delivered to the front of the face. Yet the RL knockouts, those come around through the jaw from the side.
It's fascinating stuff, but not exactly scientific method.
They're questioning the reality of a one punch knockout--I was surprised that was even a question. I have no idea how they'd measure multiple-punch knockouts anyway.
I'm torn between being fascinated and whimpering in an owowowowowwww way remembering back when my jaw was broken. FTR, one hit and it used a tetherball pole as a baseball bat. And was a TKO. My sister thought I was dead. [eta: I wasn't.] Good times.
Ack! I want to whimper myself.
So far the boxer is a boxer. Doing what I expected, I mean-following boxing rules. The TKD guy is using elbows, so he's not using sport rules of any federation I know.
With the kicks, the Muay Thai guy won the force competition with a knee--delivering as much force as a 35mph car crash.
Now they're measuring flurries. Fuckers are fast, but I'd take a few of those kicks. They're not hard. Get away from me with those hand strikes, though.
Now they're testing to see if any of them can strike faster than a snake.
It does make me look at why I have shied away from training. After all, I've lost badly in the past when hit. Why invite it? Not that it's a rational thing. Just explains why, as much as I would like to learn it, I can't reconcile the being hit on purpose. I mean, the not on purpose stuff didn't end so well.
Now they're testing to see if any of them can strike faster than a snake.
Oooh! Two fears in one.
I'm going to back to the slashy vids. Boy on boy, I can handle.
The kung fu guy was clocked at 4x the speed of a striking...some sort of snake. Maybe he should have been in the movie on the plane.
They're questioning the reality of a one punch knockout--I was surprised that was even a question.
Huh. This should prove otherwise: