In other news, I have a headache.
Which reminds me, meara--if the Imitrex works a little (at least in pill form) you're allowed a second dose two hours in. If it doesn't work at all, you're just hosed.
I understand about the whole not wanting to waste drugs in case it's not going to be a full migraine, or a bad one. But if you pay more attention, you might pick up subtler signs that it is indeed a migraine in the making.
Unfortunately I just had none such. But usually I do, and have to gamble based on those omens.
"Expected to give cards with money in them at the reception" is fucking crass. Any expectation of any gift is crass. If your means are modest, buy a gift you feel comfortable giving and forget about the card. OR give a card with as much money as you can afford. OR, if you can't afford anything, go to the reception and have a great time. They invited you to celebrate their wedding. Seems to me you've done a lot of gift giving for this work acquaintance for this event and have more than given of yourself.
I have a friend who always gives a fire extinguisher for weddings, under the theory that everyone needs one and not enough people buy them.
I have a friend who always gives a fire extinguisher for weddings, under the theory that everyone needs one and not enough people buy them.
This is so fucking cool. DH would approve.
Is the reception a sit down meal? If so, give the equivilent of the cost of the meal in the card and be done with it. If not, give whatever you feel comfortable with in the card, and that should suffice for a gift.
Huh. I'd say more like $20, tops, given your earlier outlays. Or just a small gift of your choosing.
mini-rant - an invitation is just that, an invitation. Gifts are a bonus. Expectations of gifts make my skin crawl and expectations of money plus gifts is just a lot (especially when shower and engagement and blah blah blahdy blah gifts are also thrown into the mix).
See, I think I'd add the expectation to pony up for the cost of the meal to that rant.
Yeah, I feel no compulsion to "cover my plate," especially when I'm poorer than the people throwing the wedding.
fire extinguisher - that's a really cool gift. ( nope, i don't want one - have one - are planning on a second one actually)
and here is the story of our brand new baby ( ha ) bookcase
fire extinguisher - that's a really cool gift. ( nope, i don't want one - have one - are planning on a second one actually)
We have six.
t /Married to an actuary
billytea! I was just trying to wrangle my vacation time for August -- when, exactly are you going to get to Cincy, and when are you leaving?
Good question. Um, lessee... I arrive in Cincy from Newark at 3:25 pm on August 30. For some reason I'm travelling via Chicago. Was I drunk when I booked that? Ah. It costs less than $150. I was probably just cheap. So I depart the very next day, i.e. Aug 31, for Atlanta, at 7:35 pm. Via Charlotte, that makes more sense than the whole Chicago thing.
Here's an idea: next vacation, book everything so far in advance that by the time it comes around, you've forgotten what you planned and you get to be surprised. For people in a hurry, cranial trauma may achieve the same effect!
"Expected to give cards with money in them at the reception" is fucking crass.
I might be tempted to give a card with a note in it reading "How well do you cope with disappointment?"