Um. That's an interesting dating arrangement, there. How does Emmett feel about it?
They were having a discussion about crushes and she mentioned she had a crush on Wayne. Emmett started laughing hysterically. Literally doubled over with laughter. She asked what was so funny, the idea of the two of them kissing? "Yeah. Sorta."
Later he taunted her with a "Waynelover."
So its not an issue now. It would only be a problem if they started something and it went south and there were bad feelings.
But they haven't started dating yet. They're having a preliminary get-together to discuss the possibility. It sounded like he had some kind of unfinished business which might pre-empt, but he was interested.
Younger nephew was in size 18 month clothes at 9 months old. Now, at 20 months, he is still in 18 month clothes. He eats a lot, but he is so active that he just doesn't gain weight. The doctor was worried about him, until he looked a younger nephew's mom and asked if he was always running around crazy like that, and she replied, "Not when he's sleeping." Most conversations to that house since they moved to Dallas consist of whoever I am talking yelling, "No, Jimmy!" multiple times in the conversation. Older nephew was average weight as a toddler, but he has been chubby since school started, mostly I think from his refusal to eat anything but chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, and hot dogs.
I had a nice afternoon at the tea shop with Teacup Guy's stepmother. We get along really well and she is so thrilled about Teacup Guy's new job. He's supposed to be giving he two weeks notice to retail hell today. Woo Hoo!
If I were a policymaker, I'd propose corn subsidies that make biodiesel fifteen thousand times more profitable than HFCS. And then I'd buy everyone a puppy.
Jessica for President!
{{{{Bev}}}} I wish I could do more than send virtual hugs and tons of ~ma.
buh. I hab a code. I am in Maryland. I am dealing with a lot of family stuff and I feel like total yuck. The drive down yesterday took 11 hours, and we are doing it again tomorrow (but in reverse). On the bright side, free wireless in the hotel!
YAY for Teacup Guy and sj! Continued ~ma to Beverly and family.
{{{{{Nora}}}} Good luck with the cold and the family.
Sorry Jess, Bev... Left for the hospital shortly after my last post this morning.
Sean, how is S doing?
She's better, and home now. Whether this takes care of everything for good, it's hard to say. We'll be having follow-up visits with the doctors in a couple of weeks.
And with that, I'm off again.
She's better, and home now.
That's great news! Based on your post in Beep Me, I'll retune the vibes to insurance-paying-for-it-all-ma.
Yay for S being home. Continued health ~ma.
{{Nora}} Sorry for the ick. Health ~ma your way too.
Ellie is currently somewhere around 18 lbs, 8 oz. They weighed her on Wednesday, but with her clothes on. So far, no one has said anything to me about her weight. She's not short, but she is very thin. I try to give her stuff with lots of fat in it, but it doens't seem to stick to her. ION, Ellie fell in the pool today. THankfully Joe was right there. I didn't even see it.
Bev, I'm glad to hear StE is doing better. You are all still in my thoughts!