I don't draw very well at all, but I'll try.
sj, you don't need much, just basic streets, and position of your car. and the ambulance. Make them rectangles, even.
Daniel is almost definitely right, although now I have a vision of an insurance claims adjuster with an arty bent authorizing outrageously huge settlements for accident scene doodles that aren't really accurate, but are so prettily rendered that the adjuster feels they deserve some kind of reward.
Happy Bee-Day to Katie Bee, and thank you for all your good wishes and -ma!
P-C, the matrimonial con really sounds nearly perfect for both your actual needs and wants and your family's utter craxy obsession.
ION, grrr. Somebody, please, give me a virtual smack upside the head and tell me to stay away from the Salon letters to the editor section about yesterday's interview with the head of the Human Genome Project. It can't be good for my blood pressure, or my placenta, or the Halloweenie.
Plus, it'll just make me run back here eventually being all whiny and needy and begging the extremely indulgent Buffista atheists to reassure me once again that y'all don't think I am a tooth-fairy-believing whackaloon who needs to be herded into a detention camp with all the other whackaloons. (The latest fashionable wrinkle in the rantypants is that religious people who believe in evolution and deny Intelligent Design and are all tolerant of Teh Gays and Other People's Religions and such are even more dangerous than the fundamentalists, because they lull reasonable people into thinking that religious people might not all be crazy, which just makes it easier for the seriously crazy people to exist and take over.)
No good can possibly come of anything I could post there, and my flopping gut is already making it clear that no good can possibly come of my reading another word there. Somebody bring down the clue hammer on my head, please.