I got to Ginger's link without registering. Amusing tidbit:
But Nitu Shukla —- or rather, her mother —- came with a few [expectations]. It was the family's second trip to the convention from Jacksonville, and Shukla's mother was hoping for better luck this time for her 31-year-old banker daughter. Outside the ballroom —- parents are barred from going in —- the mother, Asha Shukla, made her own list from participant profiles and had it delivered by a messenger to her daughter.
"Why can't she find someone?" the mother asked. "I'll tell you why. She's too picky."
Then she rattled off her own list of must-haves in a son-in-law: He has to be educated. Has to be a Gujarati. A vegetarian, if possible.
Nitu Shukla's expectations were a little more modest: an "Americanized guy who's Indian at heart."
Some types of parents are universal....
Oh, dear askye. i hope getting replacement glasses is cheap and easy.
Those birthday happies I wished at Katerina yesterday? I meant that for today. Happy birthday, Katie Bee!
parents are barred from going in
The Matrimonial Con sounds good already! P-C, start talking this up to your mom and planning your costume.
Okay, I'll keep looking for "Sinbad and Me" by Kin Platt in something less than a $300 first edition. That's the new (ongoing) quest.
I love that book! It turned me on to architecture!
Many Happies, Katie Bee!!
That con does sound like it could be just what P-C needs. At least, if he goes to it, his family will think he's serious about settling down. Besides, it sounds like a lot of the Indian women are very Americanized, too. P-C could have his cake and so could his mother.
Still sending ~ma to Bev, Tom and JZ. Has anyone heard anything more about Tom's kidney stone? I don't keep up in Natter, so I'm not up to date there.
I got to Ginger's link without registering.
I hope that means the AJC has stopped being really annoying with the registration thing. I have their cookie stored, so I didn't see a change.
askye, I hope there's an inexpensive but cool frame out there that your lenses will fit in.
Happy Birthday, Katie B!
Happy Birthday, Katie Bee!
My dad cracks me up. I just sent him an e-mail asking him for advice about some money stuff (things I want/need for the new apartment). Here I'm trying to save money and be responsible, and he suggests that I may want to eventually move the table I brought for the dining room into the kitchen (instead of buying a $99 little kitchen table from Ikea) and buy a nice dining room table and chairs. Yeah, that'd be nice IF I WAS MADE OF MONEY! Silly dad.
nice dining room table and chairs are the dream... I still don't have the cash for them myself...
We got the IKEA catalog yesterday- so exciting!
He's so funny about stuff. I had to convince him that a $200 air conditioner (that my DOCTORS RECOMMENDED) was a good idea, but my new computer was a MUST HAVE. I think he's off on some of this stuff.