Happy Birthday, Katie Bee!
My dad cracks me up. I just sent him an e-mail asking him for advice about some money stuff (things I want/need for the new apartment). Here I'm trying to save money and be responsible, and he suggests that I may want to eventually move the table I brought for the dining room into the kitchen (instead of buying a $99 little kitchen table from Ikea) and buy a nice dining room table and chairs. Yeah, that'd be nice IF I WAS MADE OF MONEY! Silly dad.
nice dining room table and chairs are the dream... I still don't have the cash for them myself...
We got the IKEA catalog yesterday- so exciting!
He's so funny about stuff. I had to convince him that a $200 air conditioner (that my DOCTORS RECOMMENDED) was a good idea, but my new computer was a MUST HAVE. I think he's off on some of this stuff.
Okay, I'll keep looking for "Sinbad and Me" by Kin Platt in something less than a $300 first edition. That's the new (ongoing) quest.
I love that book! It turned me on to architecture!
Me TOO! And codes, and cyphers and the very first book I read as a kid that featured another kid in a wheelchair. (A very cool character) Widow's walks, hospitality pineapples, dubloons. So much great stuff.
About 10 years ago, after my endless whinging about this awesome book going out of print, an old boyfriend called Kin Platt at home to ask about finding a copy. Kin was not amused. I still have no book!
another kid in a wheelchair
That's the kid with the memory, right?
That's the kid with the memory, right?
Right. Kin emphasized that "Herc's" power came, not from his body, but from his mind. Everyone wanted him on their team because he knew everything.
So, you know how they say you learn something new everyday? Well, I learned yesterday that if you are eating Salt and Pepper kettle chips, you should NOT rub your eyes!
My insurance company is coming to interview me today. Why are they doing that? They haven't done that for any previous accidents. I hate this. Really resisting the urge to go hide under my bed.
Well, I learned yesterday that if you are eating Salt and Pepper kettle chips, you should NOT rub your eyes!
Wrong lesson.
If you are eating Salt and Pepper chips, you need to package up an extra bag and send it to ME!!!