My philosophy of education is simply this: It's the magic bullet. Crime, poverty, etc. nearly all of societies ills can be cured by it. We need more of it. We should pay for it. Schools should be cathedrals and teachers treated like rock stars.
I love Cashmere.
Emily, how many philosophies of ed have you written? I'm askeered because I've already written 2 and haven't even student taught yet. And I hate writing them. My biggest problem is summing up my philosophy in 1 page. The first one I wrote was 6 pages and I was fussed at for it being too long. Which I get, but still.
You need to tell me where you work so I can drive across town to cluestick this woman.
Don't think I haven't tried. She thinks the money should be given to people so they can pay for their own kids' education. Because it's being wasted by the schools that are "crippled by unions". Also, students who have "given up" on school shouldn't be required to go, because education is a priviledge and not a right.
It's making me feel ill just repeating the conversation. I went home last night and downed some tequila just to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
Pretty Olivia!
So he's John Crichton?
Heh. A pleasing thought.
Aha! We just watched Farscape! Go team Fandom Random Chance!
And I was just re-reading my Farscape posts today and remembering my love for the show! It is clearly a Farscape kind of day!
In celebration of which I'll cast the rest of the A's as Farscape characters.
Zito can be Zhaan as they both share a mytical nature, mental toughness and a Z name.
Frank "The Big Hurt" Thomas is obviously D'argo.
One of our scrappy little infielders for Chianna. Probably Ellis.
Aeryn - we need somebody sleek, hard, a leader, a warrior. Gotta be our centerfielder Mark Kotsay.
How will you celebrate Farscape day?
Olivia from yesterday.
I think I'm going to have to start sleeping upright until this wretched cough goes away. I was doing mostly fine yesterday and then went to bed and kept waking myself up with massive coughing attacks. sux!
Don't think I haven't tried. She thinks the money should be given to people so they can pay for their own kids' education. Because it's being wasted by the schools that are "crippled by unions". Also, students who have "given up" on school shouldn't be required to go, because education is a priviledge and not a right.
Aileann, skip the cluestick and go right to the clue by four. I can't believe that there are people in the world who actually think that way.
Cashmere, Olivia is just so darn cute.
How will you celebrate Farscape day?
Well, considering that it got up to about 90 in my office yesterday and it's supposed to be even hotter out today and, thus, will be hotter in here, I think I'll just probably celebrate with a case of Sebacean Heat Delirium.
How will you celebrate Farscape day?
Thinking about Ben Browder's ass in leather pants.
Thinking about Ben Browder's ass in leather pants.
Every day is Farscape Day!
Crime, poverty, etc. nearly all of societies ills can be cured by it. We need more of it. We should pay for it. Schools should be cathedrals and teachers treated like rock stars.
worships Cashmere
Gronklies. Em is home today. Had to have Joe come home from work since I am but a lowly temp for now and have no sick days and we can't afford for me to lose a day of work. I hate the bi-polarness that accompanies children's colds. "I'm happy! Let's play! PLAY PLAY PLAY!...Maybe not so much play...nope, not feeling the play anymore...I'm cranky! I'm bored! I know, I'll be a brat! BRAT BRAT BRAT!! TANTRUM TANTRUM TANTRUM!!! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM!!...Oooh, nap. That sounds good. NAP NAP NAP!!!"
Good lord. It's like living with my mother all over again.