Dude, Steph, your boss is not made of human parts.
But mayhaps there be an amulet suitable for smashing...
So, I guess my point is, if you need something to help you get through a very sad time in your lives, don't deny yourselves.
This is so true.
Today is my 4th day back at work, and the 3rd interview we're hosting since I've been back. It will be my 3rd lunch at the same place, and last night was my 2nd dinner with candidates. We have 3 more interviews scheduled in the next couple of weeks. It will be a small miricle if I can actually keep people straight when all is said and done.
And fit in your pants (that works either if the food is great, or horrible).
I think "You can sleep in my attic!" is my new favorite thing to say.
And fit in your pants (that works either if the food is great, or horrible).
Great at dinner (and we get to have booze, too), not so great at the lunches. I'm getting sick of making small talk without asking any illegal questions.
So, what's the craziest question people have gotten during job interviews? My sister, a math professor, was asked by the President of an Unspecified California Campus, "So, I see you lived in Cambridge... Don't you think people in Boston drink a lot of vodka?"
So, what's the craziest question people have gotten during job interviews?
I was once asked, "What offends you?"
::passes Nicole virtual Aleve. thinks. passes Nicole a bunch of lovely alcohol.:: (stoopit formatting skills)
Feel better , hon.
Have I told you guys this story? When I was working in my last office, my mom used to call all the time. What she usually wanted was for me to pick up a loaf of bread or a jug of milk on my way home. My boss always asked if everything was okay, and over time, she'd simply ask, "Bread or milk?"
It was a surprise to see her at the funeral home when my dad died, but a welcome one. I met her in the center of the room and she gave me a huge hug. "How's your mom? She holding up okay?"
I said yes, and she held on and continued. "Is there anything she needs? Bread or milk?"
It so took me by surprise I shouted in laughter. We both stood there in the middle of the room shaking with giggles, hugging each other and trying to pretend we were crying. I'll never forget her for that, and I'll always be grateful.
On conference call with most annoying people EVAR. So full of shit. Yuck.
Dying of the shitbagginess...
Beverly, that's the best story ever!