I have to write an introduction for my second class for tomorrow. It is a lot of the same people, so I am not sure if I should post a similar post to my last one or do something completely different. Any suggestions?
ION, I just submitted my final paper for my first class! I just have to take my online test and it will be one class done! And there were no anxiety attacks or freak outs. This is weird and cool.
Steph, your boss is an ass.
My boss gave me a big hug when I told her about my MIL dying. Actually made me cry. *sniff*
Megan, I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
Dude, Steph, your boss is not made of human parts.
Thanks GC, and everyone else for their punctuation.
What's strange is my MIL is/was Catholic and Italian. However, she is being cremated and having no service, visitation, gathering... usually if you are both Catholic and Italian, hoopla is required.
Plie - you have seen this [link] - right? Just had to share after the ice skaking cowboys...
What's strange is my MIL is/was Catholic and Italian. However, she is being cremated and having no service, visitation, gathering... usually if you are both Catholic and Italian, hoopla is required.
That is odd. I can't remember if I said anything before, but I am so sorry for your loss, Megan.
Plie - you have seen this [link] - right? Just had to share after the ice skaking cowboys...
Heh. There was a version of that with Backstreet Boys a while back, wonder if I can dig it up. [link]
Megan, lots of ~ma to you, your DH and family. My MiL, likewise, had expressed her wish for donating her body to the medical school, cremation and very little ceremony. My DH found it helped him to have a gathering of friends, anyway, so he could eulogize her. So, I guess my point is, if you need something to help you get through a very sad time in your lives, don't deny yourselves.
Today is my 4th day back at work, and the 3rd interview we're hosting since I've been back. It will be my 3rd lunch at the same place, and last night was my 2nd dinner with candidates. We have 3 more interviews scheduled in the next couple of weeks. It will be a small miricle if I can actually keep people straight when all is said and done.