Y'all rock.
And my story has just veered in a very different direction now, damn it.
(I was
charmed with the notion of trying to stuff Dean Winchester into a Joe Bruin costume and listening to him swear. But it looks like it's not to be.)
Law school it is, then.
or grad school in general. Doesn't *have* to be law. Most grad school programs are 2 years.
(edit- full time programs)
Windsparrow, if your vet is still giving a 3-in-one innoculation "cocktail", vaccinations against three forms of illness in a single syringe, ask him or her to give them separately, and at different injection sites. Vaccination cocktails have been proven the cause of "vaccination site sarcoma." It doesn't always happen, but it happens often enough for most vets not to continue the practice any more.
I've been reading about tumors growing at rabies vaccination sites, hadn't heard about a connection between 3-ways and vaccination site sarcoma. Huh. Innoculation: almost as scary as the diseases they protect against.
If your pet was given a topical flea and tick immunizer, the "dab-on" type, between the shoulder blades, that could also be the culprit in hair loss.
He hasn't had one of those in a couple of years. I don't care how "Safe" they are, he was licking his off, and then doing that ate-something-naaaaassssssssty frothing at the mouth thing. So the injections are the big suspects. Thanks for your ideas and good wishes.
Harvey's got an appointment to go back for a look at the site on Wednesday, that's the soonest we could manage with the vehicles acting up (it's one thing for me to ride my bike to work, and another entirely to ponder putting a cat on the book rack). His appetite, activity level, and mood are all as per usual, so I'm mostly just taking him in to get it checked out. If he develops further symptoms, I can always bump up the appointment and take a cab.
I think that Dean is supposed to be about 26 which would make Sam - 22?
How old was Dean when their mom died? 4 or 5?
hmm. I just found out that a co-worker's religion bars the celebration of
holidays, and thus they co-worker is offended when birthday celebrations
are discussed/planned at work.
What religion is this? I desperately want to ask but I think that's
illegal or something.
Is it Jehovah's Witnesses?
My cousin has an officemate that is a Jehovah's Witness and her office has run into the same thing.
Jehovah's Witness? I know they cannot say the pledge or participate in birthday celebrations at school (or at least couldn't when I was in 2nd grade)
hm, maybe... I don't know. But it sounds like a possibility, if you know of a similar situation.
Man, I am a stone bitch.
I get back to work today for the first time since my granddad died. I put all my stuff down, shuffle in the kitchen to make some oatmeal, and when I come back to my desk, Incompetent!Boss is waiting with a piece of paper.
He doesn't say hello, doesn't ask how I am, etc. The first words out of his mouth to me are, "Well, we're behind on [xyz], and so your top priority today has to be [abc]...."
And I interrupted, because I am a STONE BITCH, and said, "Thanks, really, for the condolences on my dead grandfather."
Which stopped him cold, and he blinked at me for a minute, and then said, "Uh. Sorry. Now, back to what I was saying...."
I'm not an evil needy demon; I just expect the bare minimum of politeness from people. (Though, now that I think about it, I wasn't polite to Incompetent!Boss, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite. In addition to being a stone bitch.)
It's a damn carnival here, I tell ya. Every freaking day is a carnival.
[sets watch to see how quickly Scola posts a job listing for me....]
You're not a hypocrite or a stone bitch. I'm cheering you for standing up to the asshattery. Whoo-hoo! Comeuppance!