PC, just so you know, working 12 days straight generally tends to make work less productive due to exhaustion, not more, so don't beat yourself up for lack of awesomeness, curse your employers for creating a situation where you need to work 12 days straight.
By the time I'm done, I imagine I'll have about 25 straight days of work behind me, plus some nights. I'm actually getting a little ahead of myself right now, so I'm taking it slower even though I should really take this time to get a headstart on my next two reports so I don't have to work next weekend. Though I also figure that if I'm going to burn out, I'm going to burn out right good, dammit. I just finished up a little side project I was asked to do "if I had time." As for cursing my employers, it's not entirely their fault since we had deadlines moved up unexpectedly by the Major Pharmaceutical Company. Those fuckers, however, I curse every day, multiple times.
I've been coughing a lot lately.
Hockenberry is paralyzed, but still insane enough to be a foreign correspondent and he was there for Khomeni's funeral. So he had Iranians pushing his chair and helping him and still saying "Death to America!" for the cameras.
I just love this. I wonder what his take was on it. It seems to me that he doesn't lose his cool all that easily.
I think the concept of silence in the library went the way of corporal punishment in the classroom in the '70s
My library is usually pretty quiet, but it does seem to be a lot more rare than it used to be. I do notice a fair number of patrons who seem to come to my library to get away from the hustle and bustle of the public one, but we also don't have "fun" stuff at my library, since we have a fairly narrow, research-focused, scope.
I find it kind of amusing that The Alaskan Pirate and His Salty Seamen seem to hail from Tallahassee. I must admit that it was hard to read much on the web page, but I like the music. Fun!
Myspace has a lot of bad layouts. The main website for the Alaskan Pirates is here [link]
I loaned out my copy of Moving Violations in support group and never got it back, but there's a whole chapter about Iran in it.
It looks like a great book. I'll have to see if my local library has it.
Finding a woman dead in a park (within the last two months) two blocks from a really nice apartment is reason enough not to take the apartment, right?
Er...did YOU find the dead woman, vw? Was she dead of murder?
I mean, I moved into this apartment a week after a drive-by killed someone across from it. But since then, there's been nothing like that. It's a very convenient location, and a great apartment.
OTOH, death is ungood.
if it tweaks you, sure. How did she die? Is this Roslindale?
Me, it would depend on the circumstances of death. If it was natural, then it wouldn't bother me. Grisly murder? I'd move on. OD? I don't know, I guess I'd have to investigate if the park is junkie territory.
Er...did YOU find the dead woman, vw? Was she dead of murder?
No. And yes.
Is this Roslindale?
Nope. This one's on "the wrong side of the tracks" in JP. It's HUGE, but under renovation, so I can't totally picture it done. But, I think it will be nice. If he has it done on time, that is.
Nah...too many ifs.
I'd be more likely to not take it because it's not finished, and that shit ALWAYS gets effed up. A neighborhood murder sort of gilds the lily on that decision.
The way increasing murder rate in Boston is totally INSANE and awful and tragic.