I seem to have a few hurty spots from yesterday's fall. Last night the general pain that I always have was a few times worse than normal, but I took the tylenol arthritis, and it took the edge off enough that I could sleep. Thanks again for the suggestion, Nicole!
I posted too early the last time. Oh, sj. I hope it gets better, soon.
I actually GAVE NOTICE!!
I was going to leave on the 30th, but I'm going to go in for half a day on the 3rd for my going-away party and to be eligible for benefits for the month of July.
I forsee A LOT of Dr's appointments in my future. And Joe's. And Em's.
Thanks, Cindy. I ended up crying in Teacup Guy's arms for a while last night because I am just so sick of constantly being in pain, but sleep seems to have helped a little.
Thannks to the bad weather, this season has been wacky: many cancelations, post-ponements, make-up games, and canceled make-up games.
Sounds much like Little League all over Northern California. I think my cousin's league, San Francisco, is only just this minute getting to the start of their playoffs; his parents are tearing their hair out with the unexpected schedule-juggling.
That said, they've got the 2nd best Triple-A record in their league (in our town).
This news is made of awesome. Go Ben's team!
The best thing about the A's trouncing the Dodgers last night? Everyone on both teams was a grown-up and totally used to it, and I could enjoy the win without having my heart broken watching all the Dodgers and their parents leave the field all teary-eyed.
{{{sj}}} I'm so glad Teacup Guy is there to love and comfort you, but, dammit, you deserve to have both him
no pain.
{{{sj}}} I'm so glad Teacup Guy is there to love and comfort you, but, dammit, you deserve to have both him and no pain.
Thanks. I am so very grateful he is here, all of the time, but at times like this it is so much better to cry in his arms than cry alone. Of course, then I worry because he gets worried about me. I tried to explain to him last night that I sometimes just feel better to let it out and cry. Not sure he completely understood that.
I can't remember what shade of Alima Plei said I should try. Thread search gives no results.
Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes, yays, and fantastic superpower hopes.
Alaskan Pete and his Salty Seamen
Hello, salty goodness!
Deena, get better -ma to you. Congrats on notice-giving and health benefits working out to Aimee. May Cash's epidural take full effect soon, soon, soon. Yay for Ben and team.
And, what JZ said, sj - I hope you're feeling better. Steph's GYN rocks. There was more to say, but now I've lost it, except...
My weekend plans: visit the library more often than usual to feed my internet addiction, apparently. Whee!
Hey Deena, I'm late to the party, as usual, but if you are still in art making mode.....I'd love some icony goodness.
I need to hit the shower, go meet K-Bug's team to take them to a movie. The girls are seeing Lake House while the mom's are going to see The Break Up. Then they have a game at 6pm. We want to take 1st or 2nd in this tournament to qualify for the Seattle tournament.