Fay - I wanna grow my hair into your hairstyle. I have no clue if it would work with my face, but it is a goal for now.
When DH started crying again on the phone (long story, some of which is on my lj), I told him I couldn't deal with that. Trying to help K-Bug out of her softball woes is enough. Him taking her problems personally is beyond what I can handle.
He did call back a bit ago to apologize.
I'm sorry about venting here. There is no one at home I can talk with about this. If I try to talk to my mom, all I will hear is about how DH has brought this on himself. And he has, in a lot of ways, but K-Bug does not need to see it. She has enough going on.
Actually, no. I take it back. I just went and tried on my nice black bob wig, and words do not begin to express how truly, truly terrible I look with black hair. Terrible. Dead. And not in a sexy way.
Pfft. I've seen pictures of you in the black bob wig and you look just as fetching as always.
I dunno -- she's just all blonde and sunshine-y, not dark and goth and sexy in that mysterious might-be-deadly way.
Blondes can be wicked and alluring.
Fay - I wanna grow my hair into your hairstyle.
I can always take you to Fay's hairstylist.
Raymond Chandler would never forgive us for forgetting that...
It's a complete mindfuck being a blonde Chandler fan.
I can always take you to Fay's hairstylist.
Heeee! It needs to grow a bit more, and then bingo!
I've got hobbit hair. Mom needs new scissors.
And I never realized how flat my natural color is...never thought that before.
I, too, have Hobbit hair, right now. My "soft black" has finally faded to a color that works well on me. Unfortunately, I have about a half inch of roots, that are still more pepper than salt, but there's more salt than is good for my blood pressure. Or ego. Or something.
Robin, we learned in nursing school that eating disorders are almost entirely about control, and sometimes it helps to point out to the person that what started as an exercise in control is in fact entirely beyond their control now. If they seem open to it, you can point out that they can regain some control by not participating in the behavior that's taken them to this point, and that a good therapist can help them get that control back.
Unfortunately eating disorders are often life-long struggles for people much the same way that alcoholism never really goes away even if you don't drink, but many people who have eating disorders successfully manage them. I'm sending good thoughts her and your way.
I'm sorry about venting here. There is no one at home I can talk with about this
you are supposed to vent her. and wew give hugs and advice - all of which youare allowed to ignore. and if it is between K-bug and Dh , there is nothing you can do to fix things - so vent here.
Oh, Suz. That's so tough when the adults don't want to be.