Nah, cleaning + nude is good. Polka + nude is good. Cleaning + polka? Not so good. Rhumba, maybe.
I think the Cha-Cha would be excellent for vacuuming.
t /helpful
Belated Happies to sj, and Bev & DH!!!!!!!
~ma to those who need or want it.
Had so many comments to make, but "being overfull of self my mind did lose it." *
For those keeping track at home, I turned in my Business Law notebook on Saturday morning (after a last-minute panicky visit to Kinko's after my printer decided that the top half of the page is just not important enough to print). Assuming the teacher doesn't find any gross inadequacies in my homework, I got an "A"! Full semester in 2 weeks. Nevereverevereveragain.
* One of my favorite quotes from
Midsummer Night's Dream,
spoken by Theseus, to Demetrius. (About matters more important than homework, but whatever, works for me too).
That's crazy wicked fast, Epic. Way to go you, staying on top of ut and excelling like that!
That's crazy wicked fast, Epic.
Yes. Yes it was.
So if anybody wants to pick my legal brain*, they should act fast, because I assume the knowledge will have completely escaped by Saturday. At the latest.
Way to go you, staying on top of ut and excelling like that!
Thank you! Ironically, the actual end of the class was sort of anti-climactic after all the crazed studying, test-taking, etc., so I'm now living for my friends' congrats or it all feels unreal.
* Y'know in case the actual lawyers are all busy washing their hair or something.
I'm sure I missed some, so ~ma to those who need it.
I skipped fireworks this year. I actually went to bed before the official ones started, and although they woke me up, I went back to sleep pretty quickly. It made me feel old, but in a nice, comfortable kind of way. On the 4th, I walked in our local parade, joining with local peace groups for the Peace Cranes. We had largish origami peace cranes on bamboo sticks. I'm pretty sure we started out with the largest group in the parade, but even if we didn't, we kept gathering folks along the way, so it was huge by the end. People were so enthusiastic, and we got almost no heckling this year, which was really nice. I thought it was interesting that the only section of spectators that weren't very enthusiastic was the section that was mostly tourists from the cruise ships.
All in all, a very nice parade indeed.
Good luck, Jen.
Good luck, Emily.
M-I-L update: She is doing very well, today. They still want to do an MRI, and I don't know what else, but are fairly certain she had a TIA. Scott was visiting when a doctor came by to assess her neurological function. She could do everything he asked her to do, and had recovered her balance, too. The doctor said it seems she's recovered all her neurological functions, so YAY. She's got a high probability of having more, and they would still like to find evidence of what happened yesterday, but all the news is good news. Thanks for the support, everyone.
Yay for good news, Cindy! Continued-good-news-ma going out to the entire Topic! family.
Grr. Landlord from hell just turned up at the door -- no, Mr. Giant Tool, leaving a message on the hub's voicemail an hour before you turn up (while he's in Atlanta and out of cell range, no less!) does not count as the "making an appointment a day in advance" thing you agreed to.
M-I-L update: She is doing very well, today.
Excellent good news!
Grr. Landlord from hell just turned up at the door
::applies choke-chain to amych's landlord::
no, Mr. Giant Tool, leaving a message on the hub's voicemail an hour before you turn up (while he's in Atlanta and out of cell range, no less!) does not count as the "making an appointment a day in advance" thing you agreed to.
I picture you delivering this message with sabre-point at his Adam's Apple. This picture makes me happy. [link] features a Japanese educational video exploring the eternal question: Just how much fish can a cat carry?