Good luck, Jen.
Good luck, Emily.
M-I-L update: She is doing very well, today. They still want to do an MRI, and I don't know what else, but are fairly certain she had a TIA. Scott was visiting when a doctor came by to assess her neurological function. She could do everything he asked her to do, and had recovered her balance, too. The doctor said it seems she's recovered all her neurological functions, so YAY. She's got a high probability of having more, and they would still like to find evidence of what happened yesterday, but all the news is good news. Thanks for the support, everyone.
Yay for good news, Cindy! Continued-good-news-ma going out to the entire Topic! family.
Grr. Landlord from hell just turned up at the door -- no, Mr. Giant Tool, leaving a message on the hub's voicemail an hour before you turn up (while he's in Atlanta and out of cell range, no less!) does not count as the "making an appointment a day in advance" thing you agreed to.
M-I-L update: She is doing very well, today.
Excellent good news!
Grr. Landlord from hell just turned up at the door
::applies choke-chain to amych's landlord::
no, Mr. Giant Tool, leaving a message on the hub's voicemail an hour before you turn up (while he's in Atlanta and out of cell range, no less!) does not count as the "making an appointment a day in advance" thing you agreed to.
I picture you delivering this message with sabre-point at his Adam's Apple. This picture makes me happy. [link] features a Japanese educational video exploring the eternal question: Just how much fish can a cat carry?
Cindy, good news that your M-i-L continues to improve. Prayers are with you and yours.
Job/interview-ma to Aillean, Emily and askye.
Jen's probably done or close to it now, so retroactive kick-the-exam's-ass-ma to you!
Didn't do anything special for the 4th. I read most of the day, which is a fine way to celebrate, I think.
I just got home from my super, long day of therapy, school work, and laundry, to find a pretty pink package on our counter with a note that said, "Open Me". It seems Dave forgot to give me one of my prezzies last night. I love unexpected prezzies. It was a cookbook from my wishlist. I won't mention by whom because she seems to be generally unliked around here.
{{{Suzi}}} Tons of ~ma to your assistant. No one should have to deal with all of that in a year.
Stats~ma, GC.
However, she was lovely and charming and sweet, and looked out at the various illegal fireworks going off in the neighborhood with an intent expression as she said, "Boom!"
Aww. Too cute!
Job~ma, askye!
{{{Chikat}}} Feel better.
Belated test~ma to Jen. I am sure you did fabulously.
JenP, that sounds like a great way to celebrate.
sj, how was your birthday? I think I missed wishing you a happy one, so happy belated birthday. Are you having your Big Gay Pirate thing tonight?
sj, how was your birthday? I think I missed wishing you a happy one, so happy belated birthday. Are you having your Big Gay Pirate thing tonight?
My birthday was fabulous! We had a great, relaxing time at Mom's and then I came home last night and opened my prezzies from Dave. The Big Gay Pirate Gathering is Friday, when the movie opens.