Did I kill the thread?
t shrugs
Okay, then I'll bore you all with my bounciness. My friend A. is over here now working on rewriting her resume and cover letter to send out in the morning. I'M SO EXCITED! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING! It would be a dream come true to teach in the same school with her--I can't even tell you.
ETA: Oops! X-post with ita. Glad you got a clean bill of health. Not so glad you're still in the dark about the migraines.
Apparently, I get bupkiss.
What kind of kiss is this?
::consults pocket kink guide::
Who gets multiple daily migraines.
This may have been posted elsewhere, but there's a new treatment called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation that has started clinical trials. Hopefully, the early results will hold up, and the device could, at some point, provide you with relief.
edit: The link might be helpful: [link]
Congratulations on the cardiac all-clear!
This may have been posted elsewhere, but there's a new treatment called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation that has started clinical trials. Hopefully, the early results will hold up, and the device could, at some point, provide you with relief.
t blink
For a second I read that as "started clitoral trials", and boy did that change the rest of this passage.
This may take me a while to shake off.
t blink, blink
Yeah, still dazed.
BWAH! The product trials from Adam & Eve are thataway...clitoral trials aplenty.
Thanks, MFNLaw. That article made me a bit misty. I hope hope hope something comes of it. Or of anything, really. I'm about at the point of admitting these migraines are really fucking with my life.
Which sounds weird. Of course they've been affecting me adversely. But I'm cuffed by them, and the strain is starting to show.
I hope that something gives you substantial relief, and soon. Most people would have curled up and shut out the world, but you refuse to give in. Whatever you call it--gumption, intestinal fortitude, stubborness--I admire your ability to persevere. But, you're surviving, not living, and that's not right. A pain-free day isn't too much to ask.
Persevering, getting dressed in the morning--whatever it is, I do it because the alternative (to crib from Highlander) is unthinkable.
And it is.
But that doesn't make it not suck.
I don't feel admiration-worthy (well, who ever does, in the moment?) but maybe after this is all done with I will look back and go "Fuck. I did that? Huh."
maybe after this is all done with I will look back and go "Fuck. I did that? Huh."
I think you will, ita. I truly believe you will come out the other side of this and be as awed as we are at your fortitude during it.